Do We have a Stupid President?

Reblogged from Wise Conservatism

Looking on the surface, president Obama, and those on the “extreme” left seem totally stupid, or completely unable to hear when someone of opposing views speaks. If you don’t believe me, listen to Obama and Harry Reid.

This morning on the news, I heard the president speaking about how the republicans are working completely to shut the government down.
Now, don’t get me wrong here. I listen to both sides of the debate, and I have not heard one thing from the right about shutting down the government, only the defunding of Obamacare. But maybe the left, including Obama think that if they can’t have it all, then the right is only wanting to shut everything down! In other words, if the republicans will give them the funding for the government, but not Obamacare, which by the way is what they are doing, then the left doesn’t hear the part that the government is fully funded….
For those who, like Obama, do not listen to what the republicans are saying, in their budget proposal, I think they are either stupid or just want it all.
The republicans budget proposal will “fund the government at last years levels, but it will not fund Obamacare.” Seems pretty easy to understand. Even an amoeba should be able to understand that…..but it goes right over the heads of the liberals and the rino republicans. Why?
I can tell you the reason, and it is one of the big differences between the liberals and the conservatives today.
Conservatives will work with the other side, to give and take, so that they can get some of what they want, while giving something back. You have heard that word. Compromise. The democrats use it too, but only to ask the republicans to compromise when they aren’t getting what they want, or when the Democrats are out of power.
But the democrats?
To them it’s all or nothing. Hence the scare tactics that they are using now by using the media and everything they can, to try to bring out the idea that it is the republicans who are doing what will bring government to a standstill. To them it is the republicans who are calling for the shutting down of government, not the way it really is, where the left are the only ones saying anything about that.
And since the republican budget doesn’t include the president’s signature program, then to them, the republicans are going to shut down the government to achieve that end. NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Yet, even the lamestream media will fall right in line with this and report it. That the GOP is only after shutting down government in order to defund Obamacare. Even Fox reports it this way.
No wonder so many believe this lie to be true. And yes my friends, it is alie the president, the left and the media are telling.
Shame on you Mister Presidentfor putting your liberal agendas’ over the good of the country.
Keep showing us how much you hate America, and sooner or later the low information voters will get it too, and then you will be gone.
Hopefully that will happen before you finish destroying this great nation.
God Bless America
God Bless our troops
God Bless us to be more informed

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