Climate Gate Is About Money, Power, And Control

Well, well, well, those who speak the truth are intimidated, castigated and marginalized.
"Emails leaked to the AP show the U.S. and other governments pushed scientists preparing a new UN climate report due out next week to omit or downplay evidence that the earth's atmosphere has stopped warming for the past 15 years." source
The Wall Street Journal also has an excellent article discussing the perpetrated myth.  source

In view of all of the evidence against "Global Warming" why is there such a persistence by the "Powers That Be"  (PTB) to keep pushing it?  For openers we know that Al Gore is heavily invested in this fraud as is our "president" (think Solyndra). Remember the now defunct CCX? I know for a fact that my Congressional Representative at the time was heavily invested in it as well as the BO having ties also. Gee, it kinda looks like a bit of cronyism is at play here. Methinks our republic has morphed into a full fledged oligarchy, but that is a subject in and of itself.
BO admitted that any coal powered plant would eventually be bankrupted under his plan. His war on fossil fuels was openly declared, the propagandized swallowed it, and the skeptics were excoriated. This rush into eliminating fossil fuels before having a viable alternative amounts to scuttling your old boat before you have a replacement. It makes no sense.
If the issue is total control of the populace, that does make sense. Energy is what powers our civilization as we know it. Our industry, relies on fuel for transportation and electricity to power its machines. If those sources become too costly or not reliably available, a Mensa IQ is not required to see what will happen to prices and the quality of life in general.
It has been stated over and over that those who control the finances will control everything. The ultimate goal of this administration seems to be to create a two class system--the wealthy elite, and the dependent poor. The dynamic middle class is being squeezed out of existence because it is the driver and corner stone of a  healthy economy and the personal freedoms that come with it. That is an anathema to those who seek total power/control over the masses. Thus a manufactured climate crisis is created to enable them to seize this corner stone of our freedom and way of life. We cannot let them  succeed.


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