We must all agree that some sort of "switch" was suddenly thrown on in 2008. Up until then, there had been a creeping movement toward "progressivism", the new alias name for the old ones: communism/marxism. That movement began in the early 20th century, largely with The Fabian Society in England and its affiliates and clones everywhere, particularly in the US. It probably felt quite natural to the people of those days, since every family unit or tiny village is essentially a communal one. The marxist ideas simply enlarged the scope of "family/village" to an extreme of a single, global, borderless, efficient unit. Equality of food, goods, wealth, clothing, housing, job importance, pay, etc. would simply have to lead to a utopia of rainbows and unicorns. Right? Wrong!
Remember: Hillary Clinton proudly bragged that she would describe herself as an "early 20th century progressive!" Look up that meaning. Keep that in mind... especially in 2016!
So the movement grew. It began to accelerate with the federalization of our schools, by means of controlling the money and regulating the curriculum. Standards! Equality! Leveling the playing field! It all sounded good. We should have given it more thought. Why send money to DC and hope to get some of it back for our schools? Did we think it would somehow grow during that round trip? Did we think it would come back without strings attached? And we listened to federal program after federal program that would improve our kid's level of education, none of which worked; all of which have increased in costs; all of which have dumbed down our kids. We muffed it. We should have not complied. Now they have forced "Common Core" into our school systems. It teaches that 4 + 5 = 8 is perfectly OK if the kid's (progressive) argument of how he got to that answer is a good one.
The movement accelerated more with some Supreme Court decisions that interpreted the Constitution in extremely contorted ways, such as the mythical "separation of church and state clause" (it does not exist). Here is the entire First Amendment to the Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Two other SCOTUS goofs: "Obamacare is Constitutional," and the expanded "eminent domain" interpretation, just to name some quick examples. Bureaus and 'crats proliferated, causing us more grief and more money, and less freedom. The EPA is one of the most repressive, with its millions of liberty-choking regulations, all forced and fueled by "crisis" fears such as "global warming" lies, or the possible extinction of some obscure pest. There are lots of examples and lots of bureaus and tons of regulations, none of which are laws;most of which do no good whatsoever; all of which cost a bunch and are like choker dog leashes on free people.
The marxist movement toward progressivism crept forward, only faster and faster. However, in 2008, this accelerating "progressive" movement was somehow switched into hyper-space star-drive. Their messiah was elected. He was not the first progressive President; Reagan was the last non-progressive. Not only did every nut-case creep out of the woodwork, but they, along with every weird minority, were suddenly far more important and far more powerful than any of us common mortals, especially if we were Christians or true Jews! That latter group is distinct from Hollywood Jews, who actually hate Judaism. The movement to kill America now included a war on Judeo/Christian religions.
So, Tea Parties were formed all across the land. Letters were written, phone calls made, donations given, emails sent, signs painted, rallies attended, flags waved... Yes, they were all named after Taxed Enough Already, but their true purpose was to tell the government to stop taxing us without representing us, just as the Boston Tea Party of long ago. In other words, we were protesting tyranny! We wanted our guaranteed Constitutional rights, freedoms, and liberties back. Although we have made much progress, the path is a steep and difficult one. Our opponents are in power and they are formidable and truly evil, but we fully intend to shrink government and regain our Constitutional Republic.
This war is not democrats vs. republicans; it is progressives vs. Americans. We continue to ask ourselves, "What more can we do to stop this crazy onslaught of over-taxing, over-spending, ever-increasing prices, ever-decreasing dollar, and ever-tightening nooses, squeezing to death our every liberty?" We thought of Ghandi and of MLK jr. and their peaceful, passive, civil disobedience against oppressive power. Can such a protest campaign work here, now, against our own bureaucratic tyrants?
Well, here is an idea that might be worthwhile:
Consider the Two Million Biker Ride to DC on 9/11/2013, for example. It was planned in response to the Million Muslim March on the same day. The bikers could not get a permit for a no-stop drive through of the city, so they decided to drive through anyway. And why not?!? After all, Washington DC is our city, paid for with our tax money. We bought the marble blocks and columns. We bought the tarmac and paid for the street signs and paint, the grass-plantings, the trees, and the artwork. We Citizens are free to travel anywhere in Our Country, at any time, and in any numbers of our choosing. We don't need no stinking permits (ref.---1948 B/W movie: "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" with Humphrey Bogart.).
P.S. The reports are that there were about 8 or 13 Islams, and over 850,000 bikers. Hmmmm...
Atheists don't like to see a WW2 memorial cross when they drive past, so they somehow manage to force we Christians to remove it. Usually, some nut-case progressive judge makes a unilateral decision and issues an "order." We don't believe that those are properly passed laws by our government representatives. Next, the atheists will complain of being forced to see a church or synagogue when they drive past. Must we remove those, too? We wonder if atheists complain about driving past a muslim mosque. Probably not... Maybe the atheists and whiners should simply have to put up with us, and ignore our Christian Crosses and Jewish Stars. I doubt it would cause them a nervous breakdown. Perhaps they are afraid of something? In any case, they are not in charge of our lives and beliefs; We are! We should not comply. When a cross goes down, another one should go up in its place---quickly!
We are not advocating that folks break laws. But regulations?... well... those are something else. Laws are passed by duly elected officials of Federal, State, County, or City governments. Regulations, rules, and edicts are simply the wishes of unelected bureaucrats. Most of them should be ignored. We are advocating that patriots everywhere, and at all times, simply ignore regulations that are not sensible or are imposed simply to restrict our freedoms and take our property and our treasure. Laws that have been properly passed, yet are still egregious should be removed from the books by legal means. And we must regularly and constantly remind our employees -LOUDLY- that we are the employers; they are the employees; we are in charge; they are not; we are the bosses; they are the paid servants. Furthermore, We The People should not be required to wait for the next "fair and balanced" election (that's a joke, folks...pix ID, anybody?) to fire those servants. Let's be clear; fire them now. And do not comply.
We realize that this is not a new tactic. We also realize that it could be dangerous---remember Andrew Breitbart? But if we all practice it, keep each other informed of trouble, volunteer in big numbers and jump to the defense when another patriot is in trouble, continue to be loud and public, denounce their lies with instant shouts, stop the stupid "political correctness" BS, expect and demand our Constitutional Rights in every case, and keep on rolling---then we win.
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