Third Party "Spoiler"?

I was one of those people who believed that there was nothing we could do about our government and was far removed from politics. That is until 2008 during the Presidential campaign. I was awakened by a strong sense that this was going to very bad for our future should this man, who apparently came from nowhere, became our President. And I started watching, educating myself, and learning. The more I learned the more active I became, slowly emerging myself into this machine they call Politics. Since that first awakening I have evolved, always leaning right, I became more conservative as time went on, not because I was fanatical, but rather, because there had to be room for movement on my end, because never would I find a candidate who filled all my wants and desires to represent me. So I learned the art of compromise.

Fast forward to the 2012 elections, even more active, I waged a write in campaign for an open Republican Committeewoman seat within my District, and won, worked the polls on election day, campaigned for all the Republican candidates and continued trying to educate people within my community, trying to raise awareness as to what is really happening in our country.

One year later I sit here, witnessing the demise of the Republican party, seeing how they have all morphed into Democrats and being disappointed that those who presented their lies, lies that I fell for, now "represent" me. In reality they do not represent me, they represent their own political agenda, their own future, and their own financial growth and security.

It should not be a party that represents us, it should be individuals who share the belief that this once great country can once again rise to the accolades of the world and be the model for success and prosperity that it once was. The time has come to throw away the notion that the Third Party candidate is the "spoiler" and realize that he/she may actually be the only viable candidate. It is time for the people to select their candidate, not committee persons who are also more concerned about their aspirations and connections, to select the candidate. We are defeated before we begin, it begins with the back room deals, with the promise of future support and favors, that is how both parties present to us a candidate.

The 2014 elections will be upon us and we will have to choose, will it be the party pick or will we fight for the right pick, will we put more of the same in Congress or will we start to clean house and put those in office who truly represent the People, believe in the Constitution, and stand on their convictions rather than their aspirations?

If we are defeated in the mid term elections, we are guaranteed to be defeated in the 2016 elections!

The choice is simple, the vetting is easy, if our potential candidate does not know the Constitution, believe in upholding the Constitution, then he/she should not be the candidate.

What rules our Republic is not people, but a living document, The Constitution of the United States!

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