Our friends at the Family Research Council have released a new and disturbing report detailing an unholy alliance between anti-Christian zealots and the Obama administration.
The report, entitled “A Clear and Present Danger: The Threat to Religious Liberty in the Military” catalogs dozens of incidents of hostility to religious expression in the military, highlighting the unprecedented nature of this hostility under Obama and his defense secretaries.
The shocking anti-Christian hostility in the upper echelons of the Obama defense establishment is further documented by Breitbart News in a recent article outlining the close ties between Obama defense officials and anti-Christian activists.
Breitbart News’ latest report follows a series of articles on Obama Pentagon officials meeting over a four-year period with anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein, who said it was an act of treason for Christians in uniform to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone else in the military, calling it “spiritual rape.” Weinstein called for court-martial prosecutions of troops sharing their faith and praised a rogue Army officer—Lt. Col. Jack Rich—who said soldiers with biblical views on political and social issues should be barred from military service. Rich listed devout Evangelicals and Catholics on a list of terrorist organizations.
The influence of these anti-Christian activists with the Obama Pentagon is so great that, according to reporting byBreitbart, Weinstein brags about having a “bat-signal” to directly contact a senior Air Force general to respond to his wishes, and that when he recently complained about a painting with a cross in it at an Air Force Base, the painting was removed within one hour.
In response to this assault on religious liberty in the U.S. military a new coalition—Restore Military Religious Freedom (RMRF)— has been formed to secure passage of new religious-freedom legislation and establish a long-term agenda to protect the First Amendment for those in uniform. The RMRF coalition was launched on Capitol Hill in a press event with Members of Congress and conservative religious-liberty leaders.
As Breitbart reported, legislation to protect religious liberty passed the House in next year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), one amendment providing special protections for military chaplains and another protecting the religious speech of all military service members. It will require the Pentagon to implement these protections through new regulations within 120 days of the bill becoming law. Obama has threatened to veto it.
Speakers at the announcement of the formation of RMRF included U.S. Rep. John Fleming (R-LA)—the author of one of the religious-freedom amendments in the pending legislation—as well as other Members of Congress, FRC’s Tony Perkins (a former Marine) and Jerry Boykin (a retired three-star Army general), retired Army Col. Ron Crews of the Chaplains Alliance, and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Ken Blackwell.
To learn more about the Obama administration’s close ties to anti-Christian activists and how you can help protect our military service member’ right to practice their personal faith go to the Restore Military Religious Freedom and watch CHQ for updates on this important issue.
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