I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. . . .I have a dream that one day. . . .little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. Martin Luther King, Jr.
It has taken me several days to overcome what I consider the worse President in America's history.So now I will write what is in my heart. When we were young, hopeful, and determined to right the injustices done to black folks we followed our liberal parents that walked with Dr. King. His message was clear to me , a teen age girl, he wanted justice for all races. I lived in Washington D.C. grew up in the Senate played under the rotunda on Saturday mornings. I believed America was the greatest nation.
Secure in the belief that we would make it fair. In fact that was my life long goal when my father stated to me "Jane life is not fair" I looked him in the eyes and said "Daddy I will make it fair". I have tried all my life to fight for anyone that is the underdog. I never once thought the underdog would rise up and bite me. This is what happened this week when Zimmerman was given due process. The black leaders all race baiters have stirred up so much hatred that we see rioting. Falsh back to 1968, I was a pregnant young 19 year old when the riots happened, I was there. Blacks jumped on cars of those whites that did not get out of Washington. They pulled white men out of their cars and beat them. I watched as they burned their own grocery stores, looted, and stole. I was lucky I finally got out when my then husband came down to picked me up. We had guns never used them. Five brave young men all came with my husband. We were prepared all we wanted was to leave that horrible scene.
This did not change my beliefs that most black people were angry at black slum lords, They were angry at high ticketed marked up groceries. I got it. I understood that a great man was killed Dr. King. This man changed a nation by his peaceful words. "I have a Dream".The dream meant we would be color blind. Instead the dream was stolen and hijacked by Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Obama, Eric Holder they all come from the same black mentality using other blacks not as educated as them to further their own careers. Educated black men and women know what they are. Yet the new liberals not the ones of my parent's generation have preyed upon the minds of those blacks not as educated. They have superimpose over Dr. Kings vision of racial harmony and replaced it with "permanent racial discord". This heightens their job security, fattens their wallets and makes slaves of those blacks that buy into it. You see instead of encouraging independence, self value, self reliance, educations they promote dependence on government.
As I took notes all through out the trial never missing a moment. I looked at what I thought was the cause of such hatred. I have heard the media call the star witness for the prosecution as someone that was characterized as a Mammy. This from the mouth of a black woman psychologist . That never entered my mind while watching Rachael Janteal painfully spoke inarticulate English. My thoughts were on her age, 19, I was shocked that they called her a child. At that age I was married, working with the government and pregnant. I could only relate how hard it would be to testify but not to this disrespect she gave to the court. Her belief that, "creepy ass cracker," was not racial. Since then the lawyer for Sabrina Fulton said it was not racial just slang. Really? Just slang? Do you get the impression we are living in another America. One where whites are faulted like Paul Dean for making a slur 30 years ago while Trayvon, Rachael, and Crump thinks that it is just slang. Imagine if we used any reference to race. We are not allow to speak openly about Islamic terrorism we have to avoid certain references. While we are losing our rights as Americans we have replaced them with Political Correctness, Increasing government intrusion into our lives, thought police, fat police, forced healthcare, and redistribution of our hard earned money and savings.
We have an individual in the White House that cares nothing for his black base or his liberal base and he definitely wants to destroy America. The America I grew up in. The America you grew up in do not allow this to happen. This faux racism is engineered by a race machine one that is ugly, determined to take the rights of all away . BE AFRAID! Call your representatives, Senators, Congressmen tell them to impeach Obama.
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