Communists instigating racial Divide

If you THINK for one second this is all about “Justice for Trayvon” you are one of the most naive on the planet…. this isn't about justice for some kid who was in the wrong place, wrong time and threw the first punch.  This is “Progressive Tyranny” if I ever saw it, and I've seen it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, of ALL races… Black, White, Hispanic… America belongs to Americans.
We have been invaded by Communists who style themselves as “Progressives”.  Our Congress is full of these people, all of them with a Marxist bent.  While you were sleeping or watching your favorite television show, you've had your country, your TRUE country yanked out from under you.

Around you you see signs like the below picture.  But  look closely.  Go check the site link.  Understand that Communism is NOT something you want to live under.

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