Radio host Rush Limbaugh

PALM BEACH, Fla. – While a new poll says half of Americans and one-in four Democrats want Barack Obama impeached from office for a series of recent major scandals, the president’s archenemy in the media says working toward booting the commander in chief is simply a “wasted effort.”

“We can’t impeach Obama, it isn’t gonna happen,” radio powerhouse Rush Limbaugh said on his program Monday, “but we can impeach the Democratic Party and get it out of town by voting them out.”

The Obama administration has come under severe fire this month for its handing of the terrorist onslaught in Benghazi, Libya, the targeting of conservative and tea-party groups by the Internal Revenue Service, and the monitoring of phone records of journalists.

“As far as the public is concerned, Obama’s not in trouble,” Limbaugh said. “This isn’t gonna touch Obama. Benghazi’s not gonna touch Obama. Nothing else has touched Obama. The economy hasn’t touched Obama. The debt hasn’t touched Obama. The fact that nobody can find a decent job anymore hasn’t touched Obama. The fact that militant terrorists are all over the place attacking Americans hasn’t touched Obama. Why is this?”

All of America is buzzing about impeaching Obama. Now you can pre-order Aaron Klein’s latest blockbuster, “Impeachable Offenses: The Case for removing Barack Obama from Office.”

He continued, “In the first place, you are not going to see the media join any kind of movement to even cause Obama to be embarrassed to be in trouble.”

The host noted he was going “blue in the face” for the past five years trying to explain how Obama and his leftist colleagues can be defeated:

People have got to be told what liberalism is. If you wanna go after Obama, do it that way. Here’s who he is. He’s an unabridged radical liberal and what he believes in is exactly what’s happening here. Government getting bigger, country getting more in debt, you losing liberty, government coming after your guns. This is what Big Government does. …

For me the message is liberalism, Big Government out of control, and I’m perfectly comfortable using Obama in that. But in terms of focusing efforts to try to have Obama impeached or held personally responsible for these scandals is a bunch of wasted effort. That is a dream that’s only going to remain a dream. That just isn’t gonna happen. And, by the way, I would love to be wrong about this, and if I am wrong I’ll be the first … to tell you that I blew it. But I don’t think that’s gonna happen and I don’t think that it’s productive to go after Obama. Even if we’re able to impeach Obama, who’s gonna sit in there? Biden. Nothing’s gonna change. Government’s gonna keep getting bigger. We’ve got to get rid of Democrats! …

Removing Obama isn’t gonna happen. Holding Obama accountable, making Obama pay the price for what he’s done to the country the last five years – the way to do that is to kick Democrats out of office. The way to do that is to beat Democrats in every election you can.

As WND reported, a brand-new poll reveals half of Americans want Obama impeached, including a stunning one-in-four Democrats.

Sign the petition urging Congress to impeach Obama.

“It may be early in the process for members of Congress to start planning for impeachment of Barack Obama, but the American public is building a serious appetite for it,” said Fritz Wenzel, of Wenzel Strategies, which did the telephone poll Thursday. It has a margin of error of 4.36 percent.

“Half or nearly half of those surveyed said they believed Obama should be impeached for the trifecta of scandals now consuming Washington.”

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