ordinary people learn growing up in the neighborhood help to understand
international relations. It's obvious now that President Obama was bluffing when
he warned Syria not to use chemical weapons, and the world knows it too. Syria
called his bluff - crossed his red line. As the late Margaret Thatcher would put
it - the president is going wobbly - and in doing so, making the world more
dangerous. It would have been better if he'd kept his mouth shut, but talking is
all he knows how to do.
up we learned the toughest people didn't talk much, whereas those who talked a
lot tended to be the ones who wimped out at crunch time. Talkers lacked inner
strength and were afraid others would detect that, so they chattered on about
how tough they were. These are basic lessons men learn about other men. Those
who come to power apply them.
you remember a president who talks as much as Obama does? When the only tool you
have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. Early in his presidency, Obama want
on an apology tour of Europe and
the Middle East making speeches about how he was different from other
presidents. His foreign policy was to show Muslims how nice he was, that he
wasn't like those other guys. Then he really expected Muslim leaders would all
want to make nice. It hasn't worked out that way of course, and now our
president doesn't know what to do next. He has no other tools in his
a bully goes into a bar, he's not going to pick on the toughest-looking guy in
the place. But if he suspects the toughest-looking guy is really a wuss, the
bully will definitely poke at him to see what reaction he gets. When he
discovers the guy has a jelly spine he'll pile on the humiliation. Just so, when
the bullies and crazies of the world think superpower America has a wimp in
command, they'll keep pushing to see what they can get away with. It's their
nature. North Korea is doing it. Iran is doing it. The radicals in Benghazi were
doing it. Now Syria is doing it.
not going to stop.
connection ties Benghazi, Syria and Iran and Obama together. First, Obama denied
the Benghazi attack was terrorism, made up a story about it being caused by a
mysterious movie few ever heard of, and ordered his officials to push the lie.
His Mainstream Media lapdogs went with it and refused to look into it any
further. Other
sources offer explanations for what Ambassador Stevens was really doing in
Benghazi: running weapons from radical Muslim rebels there to other radical
Muslim rebels in Syria via Turkey. We know Iran has boots on the ground in Syria
to support fellow dictator Bashir Assad and they knew what Ambassador Stevens
was doing.
back to Obama's bluffing: The
day after the Benghazi attack Obama said: "And make no mistake, we will work
with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our
people." On October
26th, he said: "[M]y biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice
and I think the American people have seen that's a commitment I'll always
no, Mr. President, we haven't seen that. It's been seven months and nobody has
been arrested or captured or "brought to justice" as you keep promising. All
we've seen are lies, cover-ups, and evasions by you and others in your
Iran's efforts to build nuclear weapons he
told the world: "Make no mistake . . ." the US will "do what we must" to
prevent it, and "all options are on the table." But was Iran dissuaded?
Obviously not. They continue on their merry way with assistance from North
Korea, China, and Russia - none of whom take Obama seriously either.
commander-in-chief of the strongest military the world has ever seen, but he has
little idea how to use it. It's as if Obama is the remote control device for an
awesome military machine but he has no batteries inside him - no courage - and
now the world knows it.
don't tell me about how "brave" Obama was to authorize the hit on Osama Bin
Laden. The SEALS who carried out the mission were the brave ones. Insider
accounts describe the president as indecisive and dithering until
then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta took control of the situation because the
Obama and his closest confidant,Valerie Jarrett, kept postponing the
the "tough" drone strikes? To community organizer president, watching
intelligence videos of al Qaeda leaders hiding in Pakistan or Yemen and then
shooting them with Hellfire Missiles is like playing video games with the "Choom
Gang" back in Hawaii.
worst thing is, truly brave American soldiers under his command know all this
too. Why can't the president tell us what really happened in Benghazi? "The FBI
is investigating," he says. Of course, the FBI investigated Major Hasan the Fort
Hood shooter and the Boston Marathon bombers too and cleared them both. Will
Obama do something about Syrians using chemical weapons? Nope. Monday he told us
he wants more investigation. As the LA
Times put it: "Obama's Red Line on Syria Grows Softer."
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