I’m sure you've seen the news. If the headlines are any indication, this administration has engaged in grave misconduct: The IRS has admitted to targeting groups for political reasons. The Justice Department has told the Associated Press that it seized reporters’ phone records. Key witnesses have contradicted the White House’s account of the Benghazi attacks. And the Secretary of Health and Human Services is reportedly soliciting funds for Obamacare from private companies that her department regulates.
These stories raise serious questions—questions the President must answer.
But these stories aren't simply about bureaucratic incompetence. They raise questions about abuses of power.
All of this news can be overwhelming. It can be downright frustrating. But while we work to hold the administration accountable, I'm still optimistic about America's future. With your help, we can clean up the mess in Washington.
Today we are seeing the dangers of bigger, more intrusive government and a Washington that believes they know better than you. Last week, I made the case for an alternative future at the American Enterprise Institute and at Benedictine College. I invite you to take a look at my remarks. Our vision promises effective, limited government—one that gives our communities, and the families in them, the space they need to thrive. In our vision, we share a common purpose: the pursuit of happiness. And public servants share one goal: the common good. Clearly, we need to get our message out—especially to the people in Washington.
Sign the petition today to demand answers from President Obama. Government must be held accountable.
Thanks for all you do.
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