Rush Limbaugh: Big Tea Party IRS Protests Planned Nationwide


Rush Limbaugh

Tea Party News

BREAKING NEWS! Rush Limbaugh: Big Tea Party IRS Protests Planned Nationwide...Read the latest now on

ACTION: The Tea Party doesn't take anything sitting down. Congress has forgotten who holds the power. That's why we have to blast DC with a blizzard of faxes. Send a Powerful Message and a Tea Party Flag To Washington! It is now time to tell our elected officials ‘the Tea Party is Coming’! Can you help the Tea Party fight the government coup?

The Tea Party wants to send this urgent and personalized Blast Fax message to ALL 100 U.S. Senators AND ALL 435 U.S. Representatives at their DC offices.

Are you ready to be counted in our fight to Restore America?

TAKE ACTION: Send YOUR blast FAX to ALL 535 Members of Congress NOW!

View Your Fax MessageFAX BLAST all 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen one (1) time


CLUSTER FAX: FAX BLAST all 100 Senators and 435 U.S. Representatives two (2) times

Thanks for standing with me,

Tea Party

P.S. - As you can imagine, it takes a lot to go up against the IRS so this really puts a drain on finances. We still have to fight amnesty and the gun grab and other government frauds. Any donation you can make today would be great. Please give $25, $35, $100 or more if you can. It will help us get the job done.

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