MAY 13, 2013 Breaking: The Battles & Carnage Are All About the Gold, We’re Told

This shared by a Facebook group… fact or disinfo? We’ll see. Thanks for the heads up regardless. Anything is possible these days.

This may be another distraction from other key events unfolding. As someone on the FB page pointed out… would they tell anyone if they were moving gold?

2:09pm May 13
Fort Knox, KY Monday, May 13, 2013.
[Fort Knox] does have all the nations gold. They are moving it now. Everyone in a 75 mile radius of there was ordered to evacuate so they could do so. They are moving it to a more secure location. They have full military escort. Jets, tanks, etc.. With over 1,500 soldiers. There are hundreds and hundreds of semi trucks filled with the gold going to a airport. They said its going to take over a week working 24/7 to move it all. Supposedly the Chinese found out that we do have it stored there. That’s why the rumors were started to say it’s not there many many years ago. The federal reserve wants their cut and the gov isn’t having it. That’s why all these killings have been going on.
That’s the whole reason for everything that’s been going on. There’s a civil war going on the government and we the people are it’s battle ground. The elite will continue to kill the citizens until they get what they want. I don’t really know anything else. No one else knows this but me, and well you all now.
In 19.35. portions of property in Fort Knox military reservation were set aside for use as U.S. Bullion Depository. Constructed in 1936, it was placed under supervision of Dir. of the Mint. a U.S. Treasury official. First gold brought here by railroad in 1937, and depository continues to be storage site for most of the nation’s gold. By law, not open to public visits or tours.
Massive amounts of thanks to my source.
There were also reports of the Maine Militia being mobilized but the militia spokespeople say that is NOT TRUE, that it was begun by what they call a “keyboard commando”.
If you visit the Watchmen of America Patriot Alert site, the only glow pin is still Boston. Nowhere else.
Reblogged from 2012thebigpicture

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