The following article was written by From The Trenches World Report. There is some strong language used against President Obama and we are asking our readers to comment and provide their feedback.
It took awhile, but because of sites such as ours and others, the mumbling and stumbling is taking its toll. Obama is falling in ratings faster than a Kenyan dictator playing Tiger Woods in a scratch Pebble Beach back nine. The gig is up and Obama and crew can kiss my ass. TheIRS scandal will take this clown down and fast, and it’s about time.This man has taken our country and flushed it down the toilet, never once feeling remorse for the damage he has caused. He has kissed the ring finger of banksters such asJamie Dimon, and stuck his tongue down the throats of overseas United States enemies, never once feeling even a glitch. Just as the bankster clowns and mafia presidents before him, he will feel big time pressure from the people. He will cower then soil his pants, just as the garbage that has ruined our country before him. This man was an illegally elected coward from Kenya, and may his soul rot in hell.It’s up to the people now, to take it to the next level. And it’s going to happen sooner than later as America has reduced itself into an overflowing backed up truck stop toilet bowl, overflowing into the restaurant eating area on a hot summer day, Barry Soretoro aka Barack Obamaas the janitor, cowering in the utility closet.We here at the Trenches know exactly what this picture looks like as we have been screaming all along to get rid of the stench. We have a lazy, no good traitor in our midst, time to clean house.May the Good Lord spare us from the stink as he cleans house.
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