America now knows as those who have stayed up on the Benghazi attack have known for many months that the US State Department under Hillary Clinton hired operatives affiliated with Al Qaeda, a group labeled by the federal government as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). The federal law states that this action was illegal. It is also seen as treasonous.
According to Judicial Watch the State Department “out sourced” the security of Consulate personnel by awarding $387,413.68 to a foreign firm for “Security Guards and Patrol Services” at the Benghazi Consulate. This contract was signed on February 17, 2012, and May 3, 2012, and at the time was identified only as “Award ID SAQMMA12COO92.”
Now it must be known to all who is responsible for hiring the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, (FMB) which had known relations with the SDGT, Al Qaeda. According to Greg Hicks’ (the State Department’s former deputy chief of mission in Libya) Congressional testimony, “Certainly, elements of that militia were complicit in the attacks….The attackers had to make a long approach march through multiple checkpoints that were manned by February 17 militia."
Rep. Blake Farenthold (R.-Texas) asked whether the FMB had any known ties to Islamic terrorists.
“Absolutely,” said Nordstrom. “Yeah, we had that discussion on a number of occasions, the last of which was when there was a Facebook posting of a threat that named Ambassador Stevens and Senator McCain, who was coming out for the elections that was in the July time frame. I had met with some of my agents and then also with some Annex personnel. We discussed that.”
Congressman Farenthold was shocked we that we knew the group was dangerous but the State Department chose to ignore warnings. Warnings like this, The FMB had regularly flew the Al Qaeda flag, posted its praise on their Facebook site and had known relations with the SDGT for months prior to be contracted to provide protect services. Understand what this means! An Al-Qaeda affiliate was paid money to protect the Ambassador and the consulate.
The US Constitution states in Article 2, Section 3. “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Engaging in paying a SDGT is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Thus whomever hired the terrorist organization did knowingly “give aid to and comfort to the enemy” and in so doing commit an act of treason. It is for this reason the Congressional investigation into Benghazi must result in a charge of treason, to do any less would deny the existence of a the crime against every citizen of the United States of America.
Call your Congressmen and women, call your Senators! We must remind them their duty is clear and undeniable!
by Paul Sutliff
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