15 Reasons Liberals Say You're Supposed to Hate Conservatives Like Me

) I think if the government is going to take a big chunk of the money that people earned to waste on programs that they’re going to get no benefit from, it should say "thank you" instead of complaining that those people are still not "paying their fair share."

2) I don't think that every time someone experiences a misfortune, the government "MUST ACT." I don't expect heaven here on earth and even if that were possible, the same people who run the IRS, DMV and DHS aren't going to be the ones to provide it.
3) I also think it's stupid to suspend children from school for playing cops and robbers or pointing a chicken finger at another kid and saying "bang." If a kid's misbehaving, call his parents and spank him until he gets the message, but teachers need to stop picking on kids because they can't push adult gun owners around.
4) I don't have any white guilt because I've spoken out against racial prejudice, I've never discriminated against anyone and I think anyone who uses the words "white privilege" in a non-ironic way probably spent too much time listening to the wrong college professors. I also have friends who are black and Hispanic, but we're not supposed to say that anymore because it's somehow supposed to be more evidence of racism. When you know you're going to be called a racist no matter what just for being a Tea Partier, the word loses all of its impact anyway.

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