FCC Considers Dropping Current Broadcast Decency Standards

 From Monica Cole, Director

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it is considering dropping current broadcast decency standards that ban explicit profanity and "non-sexual" nudity.

Specifically, if enacted, the new FCC policy would allow network television and local radio stations to air the f-word, the s-word and to allow programs to show frontal female nudity, even during hours when they know children will be watching and listening. The FCC is accepting comments on the proposal from the viewing public until the end of April. There have been 80,885 public comments opposing this change filed already.

PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT to file an official complaint with them, demanding we keep the current standards. You only have a few days left. Thanks to those who have already filed their complaint. If anyone is waiting until the end of April, now is the time!

You can read the press release from the FCC here. Current broadcast decency law prohibits expletives and nudity, even if brief or "fleeting." The Supreme Court has upheld the law as constitutionally enforceable by the FCC, despite lawsuit attempts by networks NBC and FOX to overturn it.


Submit your comments to the FCC, urging it to reject any changes to the current policy.

The FCC will not accept general email comments. To be valid, you are required to file a formal comment via the FCC's website. Please follow these instruction carefully, to insure your comment is accepted by the FCC:

1. Use this link for FCC website

2. Enter the code "13-86" in the "Proceeding Number" box and fill out the few remaining required fields.

3. Enter your comment in the text box provided and click "Continue."

4. From there, review your comment and click "Confirm."

Here is a sample comment you may submit: I oppose any changes to the current FCC indecency standards that would allow television and radio stations to broadcast expletives and nudity on the public airwaves, even if brief or "fleeting."

The Supreme Court has confirmed the FCC's authority to enforce policies regarding expletives and nudity, especially during times when children are likely to be watching or listening. Relaxing the current policy would not serve the public interest and I urge the FCC to reject all proposals that would allow for the broadcast of expletives and nudity on FCC-licensed stations.

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