Domino’s founder wins injunction on ObamaCare

On Thursday, Tom Monaghan, the founder of Domino’s Pizza, won an injunction against ObamaCare’s contraception mandate in federal district court.  Details from the 
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1 comment:

  1. If one is old enough to recall, there was a time in America when most people received adequate health care without breaking their bank, that of their employers, or the government. By and by, through government over-regulation, over-taxation, and with the aid of far-left trial attorneys, health care costs and the resulting gaps in coverage reached the point where a preponderance of Americans began to squeal. “There oughta be a law!” many cried – and government was more than willing to provide one. Of course, the blame for this debacle was placed on capitalism, the greed of doctors, health insurance companies, health care providers, medical device manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies.

    So progressives got their health care law in Obamacare;
