The Scouts Need Your Help

Character. Courage.

Throughout the history of the Boy Scouts of America, character and courage have been two traits that could be counted on by the venerable organization. Pressed from any side, the Boy Scouts have kept their moral compass aligned as well as they have their magnetic ones. Recently, however, some within the organization have indicated that they are willing to abandon these values to advance a political agenda.

Protected by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2000, the Scouts completed an in-depth study and reiterated last year the wisdom of keeping their longstanding policy on homosexual Scout leaders and members. The study found that scouting parents overwhelmingly want the organization to respect their right to discuss these sexual topics with their children - and not bring this contentious issue into Scouting.

Even with this strong footing, some among the BSA board of directors -- pressured by corporate elites and homosexual activists - are seeking to turn the organization into a laboratory for social experimentation.

The board's move to reverse tradition and abandon the policy on homosexuality within Scouting was stalled due to a public outcry from hundreds of thousands of Americans like you. Many parents asked the board, "Why should we change what has been taught to these boys for the last 103 years?" Unwilling to make a principled stand, the BSA board decided in February to put the decision to a vote of approximately 1400 National Council members in late May.

This is where you can help. Please join us in signing our petition, which we will deliver to each of the roughly 290 Scout Councils across the nation.

These Councils represent the heart of Scouting, and are people who will be most impacted by an abandonment of the BSA policy on homosexuality. These faithful workers need to know that the communities of America will stand with them.

Your voice can help the Scouts continue to show character and courage in the face of adversity. Will you stand with them?

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