Defrauding the Faithful?

The following is the text of The Vortex  from Michael Voris; video is below.

If a group comes to you because you specifically because you are Catholic .. in fact .. has access to you because you are Catholic and asks for money to help fight poverty and then takes nearly 40 percent of that money and gives it to supposedly poverty fighting groups who go directly against Catholic teaching .. does that constitute fraud?

And we are serious in asking that question. Any lawyers out there listening? At what point does a situation like what is going on at the Catholic Campaign for Human Development rise to the level of fraud? There must be a serious legal question in there somewhere.

The CCHD .. operating from within the bishop’s headquarters in Washington DC continues year after year to appeal to Catholics .. not just anyone .. but specifically Catholics asking for money to fight poverty. Millions of the dollars collected are then given to NON Catholic groups .. who aren’t only non-Catholic but are anti-Catholic in their activities.

Why is this not fraud? Why doesn’t the CCHD answer the questions directly about these groups? Do they really get to keep a non-profit status if they are perpetrating a fraud on the very people they are proposing themselves to be something more than what they are? At what point has a crime been committed here?

This year .. private researchers from the American Life League have unearthed scores of cases of socialist-marxist groups, pro-abortion groups, pro-same sex marriage groups, pro-contraception groups that they award millions of dollars to in grants gotten from the faithful during the annual CCHD campaign.

They don’t say that on the envelope. They don’t send along an insert for the parish bulletin explaining that? They don’t contact the local bishop of the pastor with a letter asking to read at the Mass detailing all this. They just ask for money and hand out nearly 40 cents of every dollar collected from unsuspecting Catholics to groups that advance moral evil.

And then .. when they are challenged on it .. they refuse to answer any of the charges directly .. meaning talking about the individual groups and the evil they participate in. They just issue a press release saying .. oh these are the same old things that are brought up every year.

Yea. So. Just because a charge is repeated doesn’t mean its wrong. In fact .. the charges are repeated precisely because the activity keeps being repeated. Why is this agency in the Bishop’s Headquarters in Washington DC allowed to snub it nose at the very people asking for an accounting of where THEIR money is going?

It is one arrogant lot that runs this annual campaign. The hands on director is a fellow named Ralph McCloud who each year has to fend off charges that he oversees the distribution of money to these groups advancing immorality. But that shouldn’t be surprising .. it’s commonly known that he openly supported a proabortion
democratic candidate for a seat in the Texas State house who won .. and unseated a pro-life legislator.
McCloud was part of her campaign team. But back to the original question – isn’t this fraud? If there are any lawyers out there watching this .. can you please contact us and give us your take. To accept donations from people under the guise of helping end poverty and then giving a healthy portion of it to groups that promote something other than seems like it should be illegal.

And then to issue a memo that goes out nationally to local offices denying it but refusing to actually address the actual charges also seems like it should add a layer of criminality .. I’m not a lawyer .. but it sure seems like trying to involve others in a cover up of fraudulent activity .. doesn’t it?

We’ve attached a link to a summary of the explosive report which unearths all this as well as our ChurchMilitant.TV Special Report where we interview the team from American Life League that pored over all the research and exposed this fraud or corruption or immorality or deceit or all of the above.

Both the summary AND the show are well worth your time. Wanna know what’s wrong in the Church these days – well, here is a sterling example .. a group of social liberals running their own show like it’s the wild west .. essentially unaccountable or never called to account .. promoting moral evil under the pretense of doing some good and using your money to do it because they feel entitled to do what they want and you can just stay out of it.

The when challenged .. they issue statements calling others names .. accusing them of being mean and refusing to even talk about the specifics because they know they will be nailed to the wall if that discussion is allowed to happen. And then they refuse to meet.

And of course .. its all done in the name of Social Justice. To once again repeat the words of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen .. Judas Iscariot is the patron saint of social justice.

We would like some legal opinion – does this constitute fraud?
GOD Love you,
I’m Michael Voris

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