Whoopi Goldberg’s Despicable Performance – From My Vault

Whoopi Goldberg’s Despicable Performance – From My Vault

Following is the link to the rough transcript of Ann Coulter’s appearance on “The View” September 27, 2012. It will be followed by my 7/13/04 syndicated article “Whoopi Goldberg’s Despicable Performance.” I offer it as my “From The Vault” piece, based on Goldberg’s condemnation of Ann Coulter. The depth of misinformation verbalized and directed at Ann is a sickening display of the absence of historical fact endemic in their knowledge of factual history. As for Goldberg, she is a tragic display of a person who would benefit from an in-depth study of factual history.
(SEE ROUGH TRANSCRIPT HERE: http://nation.foxnews.com/ann-coulter/2012/09/27/ann-coulter-causes-mass-hysteria-view-whoopi-bleeped)
“Values is not part of a political slogan. Values are what’s inside you.” With that comment presidential hopeful John Kerry launched into another diatribe about what sets him and President Bush apart.
Not that anyone has ever accused Kerry of being the brightest bulb in the box – one would think him politically savvy enough to think that statement through in the aftermath of his Radio City Music Hall fund-raiser with Whoopi Goldberg. But in his case, it is hubris before intelligence.
When last seen before Kerry’s fund-raiser, Whoopi Goldberg was on a street corner in Washington, D.C., brandishing a coat hanger, claiming it to be representative of back-alley abortions. I submit her coat hanger is representative of any abortion clinic, hospital or doctor which performs such horrific procedures, but I digress.
Fast forwarding to last week, there was Whoopi Goldberg again, in front of ardent supporters, spewing forth vulgar, sexually explicit comparisons between President Bush and female genitalia. And while Goldberg was by no means the only maniac from Hollywood bent on besting one another’s obscenities, I find her’s the most deplorable. But I get ahead of myself.
At the conclusion of the sewage-filled evening, Kerry told the audience it had been “an extraordinary evening” and “every performer … [had] conveyed to [them] the heart and soul of our country.” I am profoundly offended by Kerry’s foolish and base support of such filth – and America, you should be, too.
What type of future does Kerry envision for America if he applauds the rawest of trash as “the heart and soul of our country”? How does Kerry view the voters, his church, the family and education if he postulates those things as “values inside you”? To laughingly support such an extraordinarily tasteless, vulgar, public display, one must ask not only how Kerry views the office of president, but exactly what respect has he for himself?
It is one thing to attack President Bush based on ideas, but Kerry – being void of any – simply engages in ipse dixit. The problem with that position is it accuses, but never supports such accusations with facts – nor does it offer viable alternatives.
It is perfectly fine for the liberal elites to attack the president with valid facts and objections. But it is base and immoral to attempt to insult my intelligence with lies, filth and empty promises. I am insulted when their best reason to remove President Bush is their visceral hatred of him. I ask you: Where is the substance in that platform? Where is the substance in comments by Jessica Lange calling the administration, “a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence”?
I continue to be amazed that she and her ilk saw nothing wrong with Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse and abuse of authority pursuant to Monica Lewinsky; they saw nothing wrong with Clinton’s blatant finger wagging to the nation, his staff and the world; they saw nothing wrong with Clinton using his office to have congressmen blindly and foolishly support him in lying to the country; they saw nothing wrong with the disgraceful way he disrespected and shamed his child, his wife and another human being. Yet, they see everything wrong with President Bush protecting us from the terror that Clinton should have confronted.
Paul Newman claimed the president’s tax cuts were “borderline criminal.” Based on what pray tell? Not everyone is as filthy rich as he is – some of us warm to the idea of government giving some of our money back to us.
Kerry’s running mate, John Edwards, lauded Goldberg’s debauchery with “This campaign will be a celebration of real American values.” America should be asking: “On what level?”
But I am most offended by the elite liberals’ tacit use of a foolish black woman. Of all the people to behave so unrepresentative of American values, it is a disgrace to the black community for that person to be black. With the conditional support of that audience, Goldberg shamed an entire class of Americans who fought to overcome Jim Crowism and its overt hatred.


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