Media Blocked Ambassador Stevens dragged through streets


You will not get the truth from the main stream media if it might interfere with the current administration’s chances of a second term…

Shocking! The liberal media is now engaging in CENSORSHIP! I wouldn’t expect the pictures to be broadcast, but there has been no mention of the story either. At first they told us he died from smoke inhalation… please share this with every American you know. We’ve got to get rid of this impotent, apologizing President.


These are pictures you will not see in the Obama media. Our US Ambassador to Libya being dragged through the streets before being murdered. Here is our American Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, diplomat, father, husband, and American Citizen, being dragged through the streets of Benghazi , and your President does NOTHING! . . . except go to Las Vegas for a fund raiser, plus two more today.

Here is our American Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, diplomat, father, husband, and American Citizen, being dragged through the streets of Benghazi , and your President does NOTHING! . . . except go to Las Vegas for a fund raiser, plus two more today.
To most Americans this is an act of war. To our president it's just another act of office violence like Fort Hood . He and the Secy of State have already apologized and will soon send them another $6.3 Billion in foreign aid. This is as sad as it gets.
Submitted by : Bonnie  Williams


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