Why Is Obama Honoring Mandela? Shouldn't He Be Honoring The Govt Of South Africa?


I can see how one would get that impression from what Obama said, if you possess the reasoning faculties of a third grade boy. There's a difference between saying that living in a 21st Century industrialized world requires certain physical and social infrastructures that need to be paid for via taxation, and saying individuals do nothing good and only government matters.
Oh, and if the federal government is the source of all racism, why have racists always championed "states' rights"?

Obama is a liar, he honors Mandela and he supports government even though government causes more problems, then after that capitalism cleans up the mess caused by government.

No one said "the federal government is the source of ALL racism". I am just saying OBIGOT is RACIST & BIGOTED to the bone.
OBIGOT said & BELIEVES with all his heart that the GOVERNMENT is the SOLUTION to EVERYTHING.
He wants a BIG FEDERAL GOVERNMENT that he thinks can take care of you better than you can. But is has been proven that is very wasteful & CORRUPT as demonstrated by the GSA scandal & many many other agencies.

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