Mr.Obama may not be the only President we have ever elected who has little real world experience, but he may be the first who has none. And hopefully he will be our last.
Obama’s latest insult to hardworking Americans has drawn massive press, at least
in the portion of the Media that isn’t consumed with repeating and debating his
false allegations concerning Romney’s business record. It isn’t hard to
understand how a Marxist would consider the accomplishments of a capitalist to
be criminal.
It also isn’t hard to understand how a Marxist would believe that no one can accomplish
something on their own; they do believe it
takes a village to raise a child after all. What is hard to understand is
how America was gullible enough to elect a Marxist president when the evidence
of his beliefs, his associates, and his political activities were so easy to
will be utterly beyond comprehension is a majority of our fellow voters drinking
the kool-aide a second time when it is obvious from Mr. Obama’s rhetoric that he
is selling a blatantly anti-capitalist and anti-American line of constitutional
serial apology
tours, bowing
to foreign leaders, and abandoning our surrogates to help install the Muslim Brotherhood
throughout the Middle East, it is obvious Mr. Obama is a walking disaster for
America’s foreign policy. It is also obvious from the recession he has managed
to turn into the Great Recession that his spread around the wealth transfer
policies are an unmitigated disaster on the domestic front. His record wouldn’t
inspire anyone except a fellow American hating Marxist to vote for him, so his
only viable tactic is to make the other guy totally unacceptable. In the coming
months watch as the President, his fellow traveler mouth pieces, and the
Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media turn squeaky clean bland, boring
Mitt Romney into a nefarious arch criminal who has built a massive criminal
enterprise on the backs of exploited victims.
if President Obama really believes personal accomplishments, except his own of
course, are merely the trophies of exploitation that doesn’t mean the rest of us
should accept this as a legitimate premise for discussion. The Democrat Media
may want to spend endless hours asking Mitt to explain why he threw grandma off
the cliff after stealing her Social Security check, but that doesn’t mean any
sane person should waste time considering it.
better question might be if capitalists have claimed personal success unfairly
while using roads and electric grids built by others why is it fair for Mr.
Obama to claim as his own the fame for killing Osama when someone else started
the campaign and someone else executed it? Why aren’t the failures of his
forays into venture socialism such as Solyndra,
the Volt,
or anything else his fault? Our Dear Leader is a walking example of socializing
the costs while personalizing the profits. If it goes bad it was someone else’s
fault, but if it goes right it was all him. He has changed
the famous Truman quote to “The Buck Stops with You” and since the teleprompter
told him to say it he was able to do it with a straight face. The saddest thing
of all is that the dumbed down crowds he wows probably don’t know he changed the
quote at all.
of this is shaping up as a surreal election cycle. We have a Democrat doing
everything imaginable to lose. He is abandoning
the white middle-class, attacking capitalism,
and lavishing insult after insult upon anything and everything Americans have
always held dear including our founding
principles. We have a Republican who passed the template for Obamacare and
can’t generate as much excitement as a Saturday night of rearranging your sock
hangs in the balance.
we re-elect a Marxist on a platform of class warfare and soak the rich, I
imagine we will see class warfare and soak everybody. If we elect a middle of
the road Massachusetts Republican with a veneer of conservatism who is enamored
of the foreign affairs advice of John Bolton, the angriest
of the neo-con
war hawks I imagine we might get a reprieve on the Marxism as the government
grows to sustain more wars for peace.
a patriot to do? Are we teetering on the edge, past the tipping point, or
already careening into the Abyss? Do we throw away our vote on someone with no
chance to win? Do we choose the lesser of two evils knowing that we will still
be choosing evil? Do we do as one of my oldest friends is doing: sell
everything and leave the country before all this progressivism hits the fan? Do
we store food, bury guns, and wait for the zombie apocalypse?
answers could be so simple. Domestically we could cut taxes, cut regulations,
and let the economy surge. In foreign affairs we could follow the direction
laid out by the founders: a friend to all and an enemy to none, withdraw our far
flung international police precincts, make our homeland an impregnable fortress
and let trade be our currency and peace be our policy.
we face a future of austerity and contraction based upon a bloated government
swallowing ever more of the American pie no matter who wins. We face endless
interventions and undeclared wars in quagmires defending a status quo that is no
longer tilted in our favor. China, the rising dragon of the East, is playing
chess as our dithering Progressives moan about chickens coming home to roost,
and political correctness prevents us from doing what we should do when we
should do it.
are truly between Barack and a hard place with every forward indicator pointing
are times when I draw upon the true source and summit of my being and remember
that the God of Heaven and Earth has not left us without understanding. We face
these problems because we have forsaken Him, and the only way back is through
Him. He told
us long ago, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and
pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” That isn’t just an
observation it is a promise. And unlike our fickle politicians who merely want
to tickle our ears, God always keeps His promises.
as we turn to face the change don’t be discouraged, don’t be depressed, and
don’t worry. God has our back if we will give him our faith. For He also told
us, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but
it shall not come near you.”
the peace. Keep the faith. We shall overcome.
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