Stone Christians in Dearborn, Michigan

OMG! Muslims Shouting “Allahu Akbar” Stone Christians in Dearborn, Michigan

A Muslim mob shouting “Allahu Akbar!” erupts and stones Christians in Dearborn injuring the protesters.
The mob threw stones, trash and crates at the Christian demonstrators.
This is crazy!
Via Joe Miller:
(Stone throwing begins at 9:00 minutes)

You’ve got to see this video. It’s long, but you cannot believe that this happened in the U.S. Problems start at :54 and “stoning” begins at 9:00.

It’s finally come to America, the ethnic cleansing of Christians by Muslims a la Somalia, Kenya, Indonesia, Egypt et al. They will drive Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus out of ‘their’ parts of the country. Muslims are the one people in the world who refuse to get along with other people.

Why do you think Muslims are building huge mosques in towns where there are few Muslims? Getting ready for an influx of new migrants from all 57 Muslim countries.

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