National Debt Is Killing Our Future

And here's How

15 trillion dollars in debt and Obama has added 4.5 trillion to that debt. But NO new Budget signed in 3 years because of the Democrats in the Senate will not vote one into law. Here’s how much 4.5 TRILLION dollars is: spending $60.00 each hour it would take nearly 50 years to spend 4.5 TRILLION dollars.
(60x24)=1440(1 day)x365(1 year)=525,600x50=5,256,000,000,000
There is NO prosperity in this country and anyone who says we are recovering economically is a liar a fool or an Obama stooge.
If you are one of the dwindling number of actual taxpayers, since Obama was sworn in your share of the national debt has increased by over $64,000.
If Obama’s government confiscated every penny multi billionaire Bill Gates had, the proceeds would pay for running the federal government 15 days.

If you began at birth counting at a rate of one number per second and lived to be 100 years old, you could not count to a trillion. –THAT’S how high a trillion is. You cannot even count to it.
[(60 seconds x 60 minutes) x 24 hours] x 365 days in a year = 31,536,000 seconds in a year
31,536,000 seconds x 100 years = 3,153,600,000 seconds in a life time
That is three-billion, one hundred fifty-three million, six hundred thousand seconds in a life time. It is not enough time to count to a trillion.
Obama’s unlawful spending binge has made over 8% unemployment the new normal. The nitwit half of society believes getting rich in America happens by luck. This will have to be straightened out but it is not our biggest problem.
Right now the American government’s debt is over 101 % of our GDP which is constantly being revised downward.
Mandatory government spending is at a level not scheduled to be a reality until 2060. Folks: Today is Tomorrow; There are No More Tomorrows.

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