Call Your U.S. Senators
And Tell Them To Repeal Obamacare NOW!
Dear Fellow
With your help
now, this is the day that you and I are going to change the course of
This is the day
I am asking you take just a few moments from what I know is your busy schedule
to join me in calling both of your US Senators –
-- to tell
them in no uncertain terms:
Oh, I know that
when you call, they’ll try to talk their way out of it.
So, I urge you:
Don’t give them any wiggle room. Don’t let them hem and haw.
And don’t let
them try to tell you that “These things take time.”
They passed
Obamacare in one week – rushing it through the last week in December so they
could run home for the Christmas holidays.
So, they can
repeal it in one week, too!
They have
saddled the American people with the largest middle class tax increase in
And, now, with
your help, we can force them to undo the damage they’ve done.
So, here is what I am
asking you to join me in doing now:
1. Call the Senate
switchboard at 202-225-3121.
2. Ask for your first of
your two senators by name.
3. When you are
transferred to your senator’s office, tell the receptionist that you a
constituent -- and you want to speak to whoever is taking calls about the repeal
of Obamacare.
4. Tell the person you
are transferred to two things: (1) you want the senator to support Sen.
McConnell’s bill for an “up-and-down, roll call vote on the repeal of
Obamacare,” and (2) you want your senator to vote for the repeal.
5. Call your second
senator with the exact same message
Republican leader Mitch McConnell has promised to push with all of his power to
bring the Obamacare repeal to the floor of the Senate this week.
Harry Reid will
do everything in his power to once again block the will of the
And now, you
and I can help force Harry Reid’s hand.
That’s how
important it is for you to make your calls now!
If you
force a vote, the Democrats can’t win!
My sources on
Capitol Hill tell me that Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats are already
And so is Barack
They know that
if we can bring Mitch McConnell’s bill to repeal Obamacare to the floor of the
Senate, they can’t win.
If they vote for
the repeal, the battle is all but over – and what McConnell has called “the
single worst piece of legislation passed by Congress in modern times” will
finally be consigned to the trash heap of history. Right where it
If they vote
against the repeal, they will be telling you and every good, decent
… they want to saddle you
with $500 billion in new taxes over the next ten
… they want to unleash an
army of 16,000 new IRS agents to invade your privacy, dictate your health care –
and force you to pay massive tax penalties if you dare defy Big
… they want to spend an
additional $2 trillion of your tax dollars over the next decade to
destroy the greatest private health care system the world has ever
And you and both
know, that’s not a message the American people care to hear!
Thanks to your
tireless, determined efforts, the House of Representatives has already voted to
repeal Obamacare by a stunning 244-185 vote.
Now, all we need
are four Senate Democrats to vote for Mitch McConnell’s Obamacare repeal -- and
we will stop Barack Obama in his tracks.
So, please,
don’t delay: call your US senators now!
mainstream media will tell you we can’t win – but don’t you believe one word of
Now, I have to
warn you: the mainstream media will tell you that this is a battle we can’t
But, don’t
you believe one word of it.
You and I both
know that they’re so far in Barack Obama’s pocket, they’d need a floodlight to
find their way out – if they ever wanted to leave.
That’s why they
said from the beginning that the American people would never rally against
Then you
went out and helped Restore America’s Voice get a record-setting 2.6 million
Repeal Obamacare petition signatures to prove them wrong!
They said the
House of Representatives would never vote to repeal Obamacare after the Supreme
Court’s disastrous decision.
Then, thanks
to you, the House voted to repeal the health care takeover within one week of
the Court’s ruling – with five Democrats breaking ranks to vote for
Now, they’re
saying the Democrats in the Senate will try to slink off for their August recess
without letting the Repeal Obamacare bill even come to a vote.
And once
again, they have underestimated your drive and determination!
So, I urge you:
Call both of your US senators now – before you even close this important email
Tell the
Republicans you stand with them
And tell the
Democrats they better stand with you!
Please, don’t
delay. This is the week we can change the course of history.
And I’m counting
on you!
Hoagland President Restore America’s
PS: Twenty-one
Democrat senators are up for re-election. And, it’s time to serve notice on
them: Either they repeal Obamacare
NOW – or they face repeal in November!
We know from
their own track records that these politicians care about one thing – and one
thing only -- keeping their positions of power.
We also know
that the time to reach them is before Election Day … That’s when
they’re worried most … That’s when they listen best!
And that’s
why I am urging you to join me now in calling your US senators and telling them
in no uncertain terms: “It’s either now – or November.”
It’s their
choice today. It’s our choice tomorrow!
So, please,
don’t delay, call your senators today. And also, along with your call, please
make as large a contribution as you can to keep this vital Repeal Obamacare Now
campaign up and running. Your gift of $25,
– or even
more – can help Restore America’s voice reach millions of
other Americans with this vital message. And I need your help today!
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