Romney, Rubio, McCain and Natural Born Citizen

By J.B. Williams
June 11, 2012

The recent release of my previous column titled Rubio Can Lock the Election for Obama resulted in numerous reader emails that demonstrate a continuing confusion over the indisputable definition and application of the term Natural Born Citizen. This follow up column is written to remove all confusion from the topic, once and for all.

Sadly, most of the people concerned with this topic believe they each know the truth, even though they do not agree on what the truth is. Most opinions are based upon second source or third hand information, most of it motivated by political agenda.

My objective is to establish through first source evidence the true meaning of the term Natural Born Citizen as used by our Founders in Article II of the Constitution, and spread the truth, no matter who it helps or harms in the political arena. I have written on this subject extensively and my only loyalty here is to the truth, no matter who it serves.
Cont. Reading


Requirements for the office of President/Vice president and whether the likes of Obama, Rubio et al truly meet them, I suggest you make time to read the following excellent recent article by JB Williams. And then widely share it as I'm doing, and add it to your archive of valuable reference material. If after reading this you aren’t angry enough to join together and act immediatel...y to force Obama off the 2012 ballot in every state and force his immediate resignation!
You and yours will truly deserve what will surely come from your continued inaction or your conscious complicity! Remember that “we the people’ forced Nixon out of office and sent multiple people to jail for a commonplace illegal political action. The Usurper Obama , his appointed horde, and his enablers are guilty of multiple acts of high treason! Shouldn’t our actions and their ultimate punishment be commensurate with their crimes!

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