Ted Kennedy - savior of the United States
The old saying, ‘God works in strange and mysterious ways,’ has been witnessed in the United States since her conception during the 1700s. It continues today for those who will open their eyes to see.
In the Bible – Numbers 22 - God saved the Israelites from Zippor, King of Moab, by having a donkey literally speak to her master, Balaam. God had previously put barriers in Balaam’s way to change his plans, but to no avail. Finally, He resorted to using the donkey. God would later use a donkey of a different sort to save the United States; but this time, rather than having him speak, God silenced him – permanently.

As Obama continued to lick his chops over the royal flush he felt fate had dealt him, God was still at work on His plan to help America. The ‘lion of the Senate’ would soon become God’s chosen donkey and change the course of history.
On August 26, 2009, Senator Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy of Massachusetts died of brain cancer. Kennedy’s death literally saved the United States and capitalism because it required Massachusetts to hold a special election to fill the now vacated Senate seat. The person chosen by the voters to fill it was Scott Brown, a Republican – something that had not occurred in Massachusetts for 50 years. It was as if the voters of Massachusetts were dealing from the bottom of the deck without being caught and the hand Obama received in the process could not be played successfully.
Brown’s arrival in the Senate now denied Obama the automatic 60th vote he needed to easily push through the Senate any socialist agenda he had in mind for the United States. Cap and Trade and tax hikes were both defeated. Obamacare, on the other hand, passed by use of a little known strategy called ‘reconciliation’ and was shoved down America’s throat. His ‘accomplishment’ however has brought Obama a ton of misery, which continues to plague him now that the law has been sent to the Supreme Court in an effort to determine if it is truly constitutional. It is thought – and hoped – by many that the Supreme Court will in June give Obama a spanking like he has never received before by throwing out his ‘crowning achievement.’
In addition to denying Obama his 60th Senate vote, Kennedy’s death also resulted in a birth – the Tea Party, which would soon become the most powerful force in US politics. Their arrival on the scene helped the GOP retake the House with the largest landslide in recent history. This forced Obama to wave the white flag and extend the Bush Tax Cuts.
Though Obama may have been denied his 60th Senate vote due to the loss of Kennedy, he still proves to still be a rabid animal when it comes to his determination to inflict his ill will on the United States. Each week finds Americans recoiling in shock as they learn of a new Executive Order this socialist mastermind has signed in an effort to circumvent the constitutional authority of Congress.
Thankfully, if the American people are able to actually make it to election day in November without Obama underhandedly barricading the way – and are smart enough to put a new president in office; that individual will have the authority to dismiss the Executive Orders written by Obama – the same as Obama did with the Executive Order signed by President George W. Bush on August 9, 2001 which limited federal funding for research involving human embryonic stem cells. This will be a much easier task than doing away with legislation signed into law such as Obamacare. Only God knows what travesties the American people would have been saddled with had Ted Kennedy lived another two years and the team of Pelosi, Reid and Obama given a full four years to pass everything their little hearts desired.
Historians may very well look upon the death of Ted Kennedy as signaling the end of Obama’s presidency and the salvation of the United States of America – however, there are still nine more months to go before that chapter can be written. Never-the-less, regardless of the reputation Ted Kennedy may have had in life (it’s now up to God to judge him on that), Americans everywhere should raise a glass of Guinness in honor of Ted Kennedy as savior of the United States
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