The first press conference in the state for the Florida Ballot Challenge was held in Naples, Florida on Saturday, April 21st 2012.
We showed up the rented hall at 12:15 for a 1 PM press conference. Despite the fact that it was a rainy day, people were already lined up as the custodian opened the doors. People quickly pitched in to set up the room. The hall quickly filled up and we started on time. Sam Sewell opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductory comments, including a humorous story that got belly laughs and applause.
Mike Voeltz gave us a report on his case to keep Obama off the ballot, which was filed in February 2012 against Obama and the Secretary of State, and then later amended by iconic public interest attorney Larry Klayman. Mike was very professional and made a powerful presentation. A local attorney in attendance who has been advising Sam was unaware that Mike is not an attorney and made arrangements to collaborate with Mike after the press conference.
The crowd enthusiastically received Jerry Collette’s report on his legal case filed against Obama and Florida Democratic Party officials in Pasco County. They especially applauded when he pointed out that the eligibility requirements, by implication, give every citizen the Constitutional right to not be governed by anyone who does not meet the Constitutional requirements of the office.
Jerry then announced that the Do It Yourself Ballot Challenge Kit was now available so that citizens could file their own cases in every county in Florida. It was made clear that legal fees to file a case ran about $600 per case. To cover the whole state, with a suit in each judicial district, we need $13,000. Until funds are raised for willing, potential plaintiffs who may not be able to fund their own cases, it was suggested that they team up with other co-plaintiffs to share the expenses. Two people from Collier and Polk Counties have already committed to becoming plaintiffs. We need contributions to cover those cases, at this point.
Larry Klayman’s encouraging participation by phone was very well received. Larry emphasized that Florida is the “premier” location for ballot challenges, and is central for the 2012 election. If Obama can be prevented from being on the ballot in Florida he cannot win the national election. Larry also emphasized that money to fund the Florida Ballot Challenge is absolutely necessary for success. We need $10,000 within the next 10 days to move forward with this case, which could be pivotal to the entire nation.
Sam summarized the facts and history of the Obama fraud. Then we opened the meeting to questions to the floor. The highly interested and well informed attendees asked significantly relevant questions for more than an hour.
The press conference broke up at 2:30 PM and a dozen of the principal participants adjourned to Sam and Bunny Sewell’s home for debriefing and a strategy session that lasted until 5 PM.
It should be emphasized that no media outlets were in attendance, despite repeated news releases being sent to all media outlets in SW Florida.
Videos are in the process of being edited and should be released soon. Photos are attached.
Donate to Florida Ballot Challenges!
or send a check to:
Constitutional Action Fund
10202 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, FL 34108
Are you interested in being a plaintiff? We have developed a "Do It Yourself Ballot Challenge Kit" that is useable in many states and is available at:
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