Saudi Religious Leader Orders Destruction of Christian Churches. Obama says…nothing.
From the Washington Times editorial, Destroy all Churches Obama silent while Saudi grand mufti targets Christianity
On March 12, Sheik Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, declared that it is “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.” The ruling came in response to a query from a Kuwaiti delegation over proposed legislation to prevent construction of churches in the emirate. The mufti based his decision on a story that on his deathbed, Muhammad declared, “There are not to be two religions in the [Arabian] Peninsula.” This passage has long been used to justify intolerance in the kingdom. Churches have always been banned in Saudi Arabia, and until recently Jews were not even allowed in the country. Those wishing to worship in the manner of their choosing must do so hidden away in private, and even then the morality police have been known to show up unexpectedly and halt proceedings.Islam is not merely a religion, it is a political worldview and it is incompatible with American values of freedom and human rights. Why we continue to send aid to Muslim regions of the world, why we continue to purchase oil from them is bewildering. And we fought for religious-intolerant Kuwait against Iraq for what reason? Bush entertained Saudi princes at his Texas ranch-why?
This is not a small-time radical imam trying to stir up his followers with fiery hate speech. This was a considered, deliberate and specific ruling from one of the most important leaders in the Muslim world. It does not just create a religious obligation for those over whom the mufti has direct authority; it is also a signal to others in the Muslim world that destroying churches is not only permitted but mandatory.
The Obama administration ignores these types of provocations at its peril. The White House has placed international outreach to Muslims at the center of its foreign policy in an effort to promote the image of the United States as an Islam-friendly rest of article here..
Yes, we are an Islam-friendly nation. We are also a Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Wicken friendly nation. All are welcome to practice their chosen religion—or not—in the US as long as you abide by our laws based upon our Judeo-Christian values.
While the Obama administration is bending over backwards to appease the Muslim world, we need to send transport to the Muslim “region” where the Saudi mufti has called for the destruction of Christian Churches and offer political asylum to all Christians and Jews. And Obama should publically denounce this racist, radical order from the Muslim World.
But I won’ hold my breath.
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