We all know that every person who is elected to fill a federal office, every member of the military, every federal judge, and every federal bureaucrat take an oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. We all know that the pretender in the White House has not lived up to that oath. Most of the members of Congress have abrogated their oath. One need only look at and listen to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to know that he not only considers his oath null and void but also owes no loyalty to the troops under him. We also know that the faithfulness to the Constitution of the Supreme Court hangs by a thread. As for all of the other Federal bureaucrats and appointees don't even think about raising the question of loyalty to their oath and the Constitution. All this being said, it begs the question how do we the people cause this oath and faithfulness to the Constitution to be enforced when the enemy is a domestic enemy? And, I don't mean this to be a rhetorical question. I would really like to know if there is an answer. I have nothing but admiration and respect for the founding fathers but it seems to me that this is one area where they failed.
The Founders did not fail, WE are failing. Before they completed the Constitution, the Founders warned us that there might be times when We the People would be responsible to abolish bad government, and re-institute good government. They warned us that good government is for a moral people. In the interests of "civility" and "political correctness", we turned a blind eye and deaf ear as a very small but motivated segment of our society allowed our Founding principles and virtues to be removed. The very foundation of our moral society, our Judeo/Christian beliefs have been stripped from our society and replaced with nothing even resembling principles or virtues.

EVERY time honored tradition is being trampled, our National Anthem, our Flag, and even our Pledge of Allegiance. We are forced to expose our children, through the "education system", to all manner of deviant practices in the name of "tolerance" of "diversified beliefs" and lifestyles. As long as the majority of Americans remain apathetic, interested only in their own personal amusement or advancement, and refuse to steadfastly cling to our Founders' vision, IMHO, we do not stand one iota of a chance of turning this ship around.

If We the People REALLY desire change, then the time honored traditions of "GOD and Country" should become the battle cry against those who have brought us to this. Without fire in the belly for GOD and America as the Founders' envisioned her, then it is We the People who have failed.

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