Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1 :Bite #20,Insane Brutality
The Secret State Series #1
Karski was a brilliant young diplomat when war broke out in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army, which had simultaneously invaded from the East, Karski narrowly escaped the subsequent Katyn Forest Massacre. He became a member of the Polish Underground, the most significant resistance movement in occupied Europe, acting as a liaison and courier between the Underground and the Polish government-in-exile. He was twice smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto, and entered the Nazi's Izbica transit camp disguised as a guard, witnessing first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust.
Karski's courage and testimony, conveyed in a breathtaking manner in Story of a Secret State, offer the narrative of one of the world's greatest eyewitnesses and an inspiration for all of humanity, emboldening each of us to rise to the challenge of standing up against evil and for human rights. This definitive edition—which includes a foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossary—is an apt legacy for this hero of conscience during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
BUSTED Michelle Obama CAUGHT With Her Hands In The Mud – Now Being SUED For Fraud!
Michelle Obama is a sneaky woman. She is a really tricky creature and I think that she was the strongest asset in possession of Barack Obama. This woman knows how to play dirty, she is always here to make the right move to protect the dignity of the corrupted Obama family.
Michelle Obama Was Just BUSTED In HUGE Financial Fraud Case – Are the Obamas in Financial Crisis?!?
Michelle Obama Was Just BUSTED In HUGE Financial Fraud Case...
Michelle Obama is a sneaky woman. She is a really tricky creature and I think that she was the strongest asset in possession of Barack Obama. This woman knows how to play dirty, she is always here to make the right move to protect the dignity of the corrupted Obama family.
Michelle Obama Was Just BUSTED In HUGE Financial Fraud Case – Are the Obamas in Financial Crisis?!?
The Lady liberty
She couldn't turn away, She was forced to watch it all.
Did she long to offer comfort As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen High above her head.
She could not shield her eyes She could not hide her face
She just stared across the water Keeping Freedom's place.
The smell of smoke and terror Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor But still we recognized...
How dignified and beautiful On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought, And I know she must have cried.
Friends Of Liberty's : FYI - THINGS WORTH KNOWING - 8/30/17-JW Exposes the Deep State
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"; it may have originated as "a little learning is a dangerous thing": A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.
It's Official: Missouri Governor Just Ended The Career Of Senator Who Called For Trump's Assassination!
JUST IN: Missouri Governor sticks to his promise! State Senator who called for Trump’s assassination is soon going to be terminated from her position want it or not. The people of this state were disgusted by the controversial comments of this important government official who’s getting paid from the taxes of the same people who feel offended by her comments about their President.
Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1 :Bite #19,Another Two Day Journey
The Secret State Series #1
Karski was a brilliant young diplomat when war broke out in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army, which had simultaneously invaded from the East, Karski narrowly escaped the subsequent Katyn Forest Massacre. He became a member of the Polish Underground, the most significant resistance movement in occupied Europe, acting as a liaison and courier between the Underground and the Polish government-in-exile. He was twice smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto, and entered the Nazi's Izbica transit camp disguised as a guard, witnessing first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust.
Karski's courage and testimony, conveyed in a breathtaking manner in Story of a Secret State, offer the narrative of one of the world's greatest eyewitnesses and an inspiration for all of humanity, emboldening each of us to rise to the challenge of standing up against evil and for human rights. This definitive edition—which includes a foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossary—is an apt legacy for this hero of conscience during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
JUST IN: Gun Confiscation Bill Signed Into Law... ( “Democrat gun control” )
“Democrat gun control”
WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS TO PASS THIS OF AS TO HELP reduce the gun-related suicides
If the person in question has an order placed against them, they are not allowed to buy or possess guns or ammunition for one year, regardless of the circumstance.

McCain and Flake censured...by Saddlebrooke Republican Club... to repeal Obamacare, turned his back on the people of Arizona

CNN The Hate Continues: Trump Voters ‘white supremacists by default’
The Hate Continues

Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1 :Bite #18,Crossing over the Bridge
The Secret State Series #1
Karski was a brilliant young diplomat when war broke out in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army, which had simultaneously invaded from the East, Karski narrowly escaped the subsequent Katyn Forest Massacre. He became a member of the Polish Underground, the most significant resistance movement in occupied Europe, acting as a liaison and courier between the Underground and the Polish government-in-exile. He was twice smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto, and entered the Nazi's Izbica transit camp disguised as a guard, witnessing first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust.
Karski's courage and testimony, conveyed in a breathtaking manner in Story of a Secret State, offer the narrative of one of the world's greatest eyewitnesses and an inspiration for all of humanity, emboldening each of us to rise to the challenge of standing up against evil and for human rights. This definitive edition—which includes a foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossary—is an apt legacy for this hero of conscience during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
Friends Of Liberty's : FYI - THINGS WORTH KNOWING - 8/26/17, Fascist-Book...
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing"; it may have originated as "a little learning is a dangerous thing": A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.
What's on my mind ?:08/26/17, America In Crisis, Has Common Sense Died

What's on my mind?
America In Crisis
Have we as Americans ,lost are will to fight for our freedom and see Justice served on the guilty . Has Common Sense Died !
Have we as Americans ,lost are will to fight for our freedom and see Justice served on the guilty . Has Common Sense Died !
Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1 :Bite #17,Under German Control
The Secret State Series #1
Karski was a brilliant young diplomat when war broke out in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army, which had simultaneously invaded from the East, Karski narrowly escaped the subsequent Katyn Forest Massacre. He became a member of the Polish Underground, the most significant resistance movement in occupied Europe, acting as a liaison and courier between the Underground and the Polish government-in-exile. He was twice smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto, and entered the Nazi's Izbica transit camp disguised as a guard, witnessing first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust.
Karski's courage and testimony, conveyed in a breathtaking manner in Story of a Secret State, offer the narrative of one of the world's greatest eyewitnesses and an inspiration for all of humanity, emboldening each of us to rise to the challenge of standing up against evil and for human rights. This definitive edition—which includes a foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossary—is an apt legacy for this hero of conscience during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
IRS Registers LARGEST Tax Lien In History Against OBAMA...
McConnell’s Private Whisper About Trump’s Future – McConnell the Turtle ...
McConnell (the Turtle), in Private, Doubts if Trump Can Save Presidency
Now here's the majority leader of the senate Republican's, that can't even get Obamacare repealed ,supposedly has a majority vote in the Senate, talking shit against President Trump .
McConnell (the Turtle)majority leader of the senate Republican's
Don't count on 'Trump's generals' to save us
From left: John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, President Trump, James Mattis |
Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1 :Bite #16,Exchanged and Escaped
The Secret State Series #1
Karski was a brilliant young diplomat when war broke out in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Taken prisoner by the Soviet Red Army, which had simultaneously invaded from the East, Karski narrowly escaped the subsequent Katyn Forest Massacre. He became a member of the Polish Underground, the most significant resistance movement in occupied Europe, acting as a liaison and courier between the Underground and the Polish government-in-exile. He was twice smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto, and entered the Nazi's Izbica transit camp disguised as a guard, witnessing first-hand the horrors of the Holocaust.
Karski's courage and testimony, conveyed in a breathtaking manner in Story of a Secret State, offer the narrative of one of the world's greatest eyewitnesses and an inspiration for all of humanity, emboldening each of us to rise to the challenge of standing up against evil and for human rights. This definitive edition—which includes a foreword by Madeleine Albright, a biographical essay by Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an afterword by Zbigniew Brzezinski, previously unpublished photos, notes, further reading, and a glossary—is an apt legacy for this hero of conscience during the most fraught and fragile moment in modern history.
Jan Karski was born in ód , Poland, in 1914.
He received a degree in Law and Diplomatic Science in 1935 and served as a liaison officer of the Polish Underground during World War II. He carried the first eyewitness report of the Holocaust to a mostly unbelieving West, meeting with President Roosevelt in 1943 to plead for Allied intervention. Story of a Secret State was originally published in 1944, becoming a bestseller and Book of the Month Club selection. After the war, Karski earned his PhD at Georgetown University, where he served as a distinguished professor in the School of Foreign Service for forty years. He died in Washington, DC, in 2000. Karski has been recognized as Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. In 2012, he was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by our President.
"His wartime saga as officer, as Soviet prisoner, as escapee, in the hands of the Gestapo, and as a Polish Underground activist and courier, is beyond remarkable. In a world today where words such as 'courage' and 'heroism' have been so overused—applied freely from sports to entertainment to politics as to be rendered practically meaningless—Jan Karski was the rare human being who embodied both."
"In the words of James Russell Lowell's rousing hymn:
'Once to every man and nation, comes the moment to decide, in the strife of truth with falsehood, for the good or evil side.' Perhaps more than most of us, Jan Karski faced such a choice in the starkest of possible terms, and made his decision as courageously as one could. . . . Jan Karski was a patriot and a truth teller; may his words always be read and his legacy never forgotten."Secret State is an indispensable and compelling historical document of World War II and the Holocaust, written by a supremely courageous humanitarian."

The Secret State Series #1:
The Underground by Jan Karski 1944 Highlights and excerpts by PL Sturgis:
Pro Script: “I do not pretend to have given an exhaustive picture of the Polish Underground, its organization, and its activities. Because of our methods I believe there is no one today who could give an all embracing recital. This could be possible only after the war with the aid of information yet to be gathered and checked. This is purely a personal story, my story. I have tried to recall everything I have experienced, to tell about my own activities and to recount the deeds of all those with whom I had actual contact.
Poland’s underground State, to which I belonged, was under the authority of the Polish Government in London. I know that, besides this organization, there were other elements carrying on their activities under the direction or the influence of Moscow. Because of my sincere intention to describe only my personal experience, their activities could not possibly be included in my story. Being the First active Member of the Polish Underground in the fortunate position to publish some aspects of its story, I hope that it will encourage others to relate their experiences, and that out of such narratives the free people all over the world will be able to form an objective opinion as to how the Polish people reacted during the years of German concept. Jan Karski:
Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1:
Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1:
“The Underground”
Bite #16,Exchanged and Escaped:
by Jan Karski:
During the 5 hour wait in the unsheltered and muddy field some of the men sat down and covered themselves with mats made of reeds. I never saw a Russian guard strike or curse at a prisoner no matter how enraged they became. They did threaten to send some to Siberia if they did not be quiet. They were offended by our voluntary application to be placed under German control. They were busily informing us of the consequences of our foolish act. Their warnings kept ringing in my head.
“It will be worse with the Germans!” Like the rest of the prisoners I felt trapped. Most of us were happy to leave the Russian prison camps but we feared the germans like the plague. I was likewise afraid of living under German domination but I never allowed myself to forget that I was going to escape and join the Polish Army. In was convinced that there was still in existence and struggling valiantly, at least partisan, detachments of the Polish Army.
Then the sudden rumble of a military auto put an end to our leisure. We jumped into our original formation as the car skidded to a stop a few yards from our line. It contained a chauffer, two Soviet and two German Officers. The officers saluted each other politely and promenaded past us with no commands of any kind. No military discipline applied to us. That was obvious. We were merely rag wrapped surfs! The German officers glared at us with self assurance!
#1) Introduction:
(to be continued) ....
(To be continued )

Daily Bites of The Secret State Series #1
by Jan Karski 1944 :
“From The Secret State”
#18) Crossing over the Bridge:
#19) Another Two Day Journey:
#20) Insane Brutality:
#21) Three Robust Men:
#22) Transported for Forced Labor:
#23) Now or Never:
#24) To the Citizens of Poland:
#25) Risking Escape:
#26) Searching for Shelter:
#27) The Polish Patriot:
#28) Priceless Hospitality:
#29) Shocking News:
#30) No Longer a Poland 1944:
Note: We at Friends of Liberty cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of “The Secret State Series #1”

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy
BY OUR VETERANS Note: We at Friends of Liberty cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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