If they are going to be allowed to enjoy having no competition in the global social media communications field, they have an obligation to engage in ethical and fair business practices. Since they obvious prefer to advance the globalist political agenda and destroy those who oppose them, a breakup of their company seems long overdue.
The problem was that the same globalists that Mark Zuckerberg is allied with also controlled the White House until twelve days ago so there was no recourse. Hopefully that has now all changed. I sent this request for help to the White House on Wednesday evening. Let’s see if I get a response. If I do, I’ll be sure to pass on what I can, not wanting to interfere with an ongoing, potentially criminal investigation.
I’m a writer who was a strong advocate for President Trump throughout the campaign and as a result faced increasingly tighter restrictions by Facebook, the main method by which my articles are disseminated, as they became more activist against him and against freedom and our Constitution in general.
I’m asking that anti-trust violations against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook be considered and investigated as they partner with leftist organizations to curate, censor and restrict conservative articles out of news feeds, using the false veil of “fake news” to cover up their unconstitutional and anti-Constitution actions. It is my contention that Facebook should be broken up, just as the Bell Telephone monopoly was split, creating the “baby bells” back in the seventies. The international reach of Facebook and the degree to it operates with impunity and without any substantive competition is greater than that of Bell Telephone at the time. They claim the protection of being a private business insulates them from the First Amendment but they are a publicly traded corporation that is acting as a utility. Perhaps the definitions in the law need to be upgraded to meet current market conditions. They are a monopoly by anyone’s definition.
The horror stories of Facebook destroying people’s businesses, being unaccountable, there not being a real person to talk to regarding anything they do no matter how oppressive or egregious and bias against patriots, the deleting of posts that tell too much truth about them or their political allies are all true. There is no competition, nowhere for those who have been wronged to go. Although other companies do exist – they don’t have the market reach that Facebook does and are not a viable alternative.
I ask President Trump to please consider having Senator Sessions or the Commerce Secretary, FBI or whomever is the appropriate official investigate and take corrective action if possible to right the wrongs that are being perpetrated against us. We’re not criminals, we’re not rioting in the streets. Our offense against Zuckerberg and the elite “Masters of the Universe” is that we support the President and like him, value and respect the Constitution and love America.
Your fellow American fighting for his voice,
Rick Wells
If you too would like to write President Trump about this problem with Facebook ,Here are some link to help you ......Below
Open Letters to Donald J Trump
Write The President
Open Letters to Donald J Trump
Write The President
Note: We at Friends of Liberty cannot make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.
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