Twelve Daily Bites of Slaying the Giant:
1) Making an Impact: 2) Food for the Mind and Heart: 3) Finding the Root of the Problem: 4) The Shepherd and the Lost Sheep 5) A Basic Overview: 6) Psalms of Comfort: 7) The Good Samaritan
Making a Difference 9) Being a Mentor 10) Power of Small things: 11) Resources: 12) Warning Signs and Contacts: SharedHope.org

Food for the Mind and Heart:
Micah 6:8 “What doth the Lord require of you but to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with thy God” Because of the love we have for the most vulnerable, people of all faith and political persuasion feel compelled by the issue of child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. In fact, this crossover appeal is an incredible benefit for the fight against sex trafficking of children.
It helps us become more effective because we are stronger together than working apart. Although good people may disagree on some finer points of addressing this crime we have great reason to come together to fight for victims and work for their protection. This strength is especially important as we realize how difficult of a challenge we face. The children at risk are our own.
The men who buy sex from them are from our communities. They are fathers, sons, teachers, judges, taxi drivers, and local leaders. If we are to stop all forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children we must address how demand fuels this abuse. Combatting and preventing this crime requires patience, self-reflection, collaboration and faith. Keep in mind that working with trafficking victims can be challenging. the abuse they have suffered is a source of trauma and healing takes time.
It requires patience from those who are helping them. Understandably, it also takes times to build their trust. When christians serve these children and their needs they are also serving Jesus. (Matthew 18:5 “Whoever receives one little child in My Name receives Me.”)
It helps us become more effective because we are stronger together than working apart. Although good people may disagree on some finer points of addressing this crime we have great reason to come together to fight for victims and work for their protection. This strength is especially important as we realize how difficult of a challenge we face. The children at risk are our own.
The men who buy sex from them are from our communities. They are fathers, sons, teachers, judges, taxi drivers, and local leaders. If we are to stop all forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children we must address how demand fuels this abuse. Combatting and preventing this crime requires patience, self-reflection, collaboration and faith. Keep in mind that working with trafficking victims can be challenging. the abuse they have suffered is a source of trauma and healing takes time.
It requires patience from those who are helping them. Understandably, it also takes times to build their trust. When christians serve these children and their needs they are also serving Jesus. (Matthew 18:5 “Whoever receives one little child in My Name receives Me.”)
SharedHope.org (unquote) PLSturgis: This is a little booklet I received in the mail which I would like to share with you daily to make an impact for these children.
(to be continued)
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