Spotlight on A Conservative : CRUZ

We can either become the party that put the first Latino president in office, or we can see what our country looks like after eight years of Clinton/Warren. Pretty simple choice, if you ask me.

As a Conservative

In 2008, our GOP kingmakers said that we must nominate an establishment moderate as our candidate for president if we wanted to win the general election. Conservatives then supported Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)49% in the primary over more conservative choices, only to watch him get clobbered in November. In 2012, the GOP elite trotted out that same lie about moderates and electability. So conservatives took one for the team and actually made the author of Romneycare our standard-bearer. And come November, we once again got our heads handed to us. Now the 2016 Republican primary is coming up, and our GOP masters have told us that in order to retake the White House, we need to make an establishment moderate like Jeb Bush our nominee. Conservatives, isn’t it finally time to throw off the slave chains and unite around one of our own?
Besides the fact that they are not electable, another problem with nominating an establishment moderate is that they will sell you out in a heartbeat. Have you ever heard one of these phony conservatives” give a speech when they are trying to get elected? One could easily mistake them for Jim DeMint or Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)97%. Unfortunately, once these faux conservatives get elected, they tend to vote like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)11%. Folks, if we want a politician to govern like a conservative once he gets in office, shouldn’t we also make sure that he is a committed conservative before helping put him in that office.
We also have to pick one conservative candidate and unify around him. We simply cannot afford to split our base while the Republican elite march in lockstep to install some establishment shill like Jeb Bush. So unless you want a ticket of Romney/Bush giving us the same type of election results in 2016 that we got in 2008 and 2012, we conservatives need to do what is right for America and become one!
Our decision now becomes one of deciding which conservative candidate to support. We need a man who has proven that he will stand up to the liberal media and the establishment and fight tooth and nail for conservative values. A man that will listen to his conservative base, not crony capitalists or special interest groups. A man who is both highly moral and extremely intelligent. Ladies and gentlemen, we need Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)95%.
The reason for making Ted Cruz our nominee, is that he has several unique advantages that will help him win the general election. After all, there is absolutely no purpose to nominating someone who is not going to win the presidency for us. The following are just a few of the many good reasons for conservatives to support the candidacy of Senator Cruz:
Ted Cruz is the closest thing we have seen to Ronald Reagan, well, since Ronald Reagan. Just like Ted, Ronald Reagan was outspoken in his defense of taxpayers and conservative values, disliked by the liberal media, and greatly feared by the  go along” establishment Republicans. After all, it was Reagan who said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help” and, Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15.” Both men espouse American Exceptionalism and strongly oppose the status quo. In fact, Reagan famously said,  Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘the mess we’re in’.”  We should help Senator Cruz usher in the second coming of the Reagan Revolution.
Long odds and liberal media bias won’t affect his chances of winning the way it will the other GOP candidates. A look at the 2012 Texas Senate race proves that. David Dewhurst was the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican primary. Dewhurst was endorsed by Gov. Rick Perry and a veritable who’s who of powerful establishment politicians, he had the media in his back pocket, and also held a tremendous financial advantage over Cruz. But Ted took that seat in what is now considered THE textbook example of how to win a political race by the use of a grassroots campaign. First of all, Cruz was able to garner endorsements and support from conservative groups and tea party figures as diverse as Rick Santorum, FreedomWorks, The Club For Growth, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)93%, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and RedState’s Erick Erickson. Ted was then able to successfully unite all these different factions of the conservative movement into a finely tuned grassroots machine as Cruz pulled off what the Washington Post termed the biggest political upset of 2012.
Another major advantage that the Democrats have held over the Republicans in the last two presidential elections has been their vastly superior technological and social media savvy. John McCain and his handlers were considered “technology ignorant” by Obama’s campaign team. Mitt Romney devoted a lot of time and money into his Project ORCA mega-app, only to have it completely malfunction and directly contribute to the beating the GOP took on election day. In today’s world, Facebook, Twitter, and online political blogging and media sites are so much more important to the success of a political campaign than antiquated methods like newspapers, magazines and television advertising. Ted Cruz is the only potential presidential candidate that the Republicans can field that has a following on social media sites equal to that of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. And due to Senator Cruz honoring his word and having the conviction to fight to try to stop Congress from funding Obamacare and amnesty, any online publication that claims to represent conservatives will be enthusiastically backing his candidacy. Of course, Ted was raised by a socially conservative family that made God the cornerstone of their lives. So it’s no wonder that he turned out to be such a man of integrity. What a switch President Cruz will be from the current inhabitant of the White House!
And as the Democratic party and its policies turn increasingly anti-Semitic, Jewish voters are naturally going to start looking for other voting options. No Republican has been opening his arms up to the Jewish people more than Senator Cruz. And doors in the Jewish community that are usually closed to the GOP have been swung wide open for Cruz. Whether it’s getting star billing at a Passover dinner, meeting with influential Jewish figures that normally have no time for Republicans, or having highly regarded Jewish publications talk about him as though he was “one of their own”, there is obviously mutual admiration and respect on both sides. Ted Cruz may also be the most pro-Israel Senator since Joe Lieberman was a member of Congress. Israel will not find a more loyal ally than Senator Ted Cruz. Which brings me to my next point.
The fastest growing movement in conservative circles is opposition to Islam. An increasingly large number of conservatives, including myself, have watched the horrific damage that Islam has caused in Europe, and are strongly opposed to the spread of its cancerous tentacles here in the USA. Now America-hating ignoramuses like Barack Obama and Ron Paul blame this country and its policies for our problem with Muslims. They tell us that if we were only more tolerant of Islam and Sharia law, we wouldn’t be getting attacked by these terrorists. I will answer their lies with two words: Charlie Hebdo. Now let’s contrast that with the extremely strong foreign policy position of Senator Cruz. Ted Cruz has called for bombing the Islamic State “back to the Stone Age.” And during a speech that he gave at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, Senator Cruz told the audience that the greatest national security threat that this country faces is Iran getting nuclear weapons. And he also said, “And if there’s one principle we have learned from history, it’s that bullies and tyrants don’t respect weakness. The only thing they respect and understand is strength.” One thing is for sure, with President Cruz in office, our days of kowtowing to these jihadi terrorists will be over.
Senator Ted Cruz would also become the first Hispanic to be elected to the office of president. For no other reason than that, he will draw strong Latino support. And yes, I know that in a perfect world, voters would not pay attention to race when they are deciding who to vote for. Let’s get real now. Obama won the last two elections because millions of blacks who otherwise wouldn’t have voted, turned out en masse to support  one of their own” becoming the first black president. This was proven to be true by the huge drop-off in black voters in 2010 and 2014 that took place when Obama wasn’t headlining the ticket. If Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee, millions of Hispanic voters who would not have otherwise voted or might have voted Democrat will vote Republican at the top spot. So, we can either become the party that put the first Latino president in office, or we can see what our country looks like after eight years of Clinton/Warren. Pretty simple choice, if you ask me.

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