The Winds of tyranny
"How much tyranny are you willing to tolerate? When you give your consent to a corrupt government you volunteer to be their slave."
"Those that consent to tyranny lack the courage necessary to live free"

Darioush Radmanesh

Opening statement:
When I look upon the current economic downturn and crises plaguing America today. I can't help but notice that while our economy is in decline and in hard times, it is evident that the wealthy are becoming richer while the working middle class common man (The Proletariat) is becoming poorer. Day after day the Proletariat are finding it harder and more costly to provide for their family. Every day the Proletariat are told that they must tighten their belts, that they must make sacrifices for the good of the country. In contrast we see at the same time the wealthy expanding their belts every day, bloating at the expense of the working middle class. It is very clear to me that the American political system, as it stands today, is severely flawed. I strongly believe, and maintain, that in order to correct America's rapid decline, both economically and politically, we can no longer rely upon the statuesque. I am proposing that we address America's problems by simply changing the old “Party” politics system of electing candidates based purely on what we perceive to be “Party” politicians merits or abilities may be to solve our countries problems. These old methods are no longer viable for the simple fact that today America is facing a crises more severe, more drastic and more unique then she has ever experienced in her entire history, both politically and economically, therefor, in order to face these new challenges, to address them both effectively and decisively, it requires a new method and approach. I strongly believe this can only be brought about with a drastic shift in the political influence and the relationship of direct participation in America's Government, between the Capitalists (the minority) and the proletariat (the majority) working middle class.
-Darius Radmanesh-
-Capitalists and the value of a human being
It is important that I make it absolutely clear what I am proposing, that being a Proletarian Republic, is in no way Marxist nor Socialist based. It is not in reference to either Socialism or Marxism, or the Communist term ''Dictatorship Of The proletariat''. The term Proletariat, contrary to what many may believe, is not a word coined by Karl Marx.It is in fact a term first used and referred to in the constitution of the Roman Republic over two thousand years before Marx. Proletariat means literally the working class, farmers, construction workers, builders, carpenters, welders etc. It may also, as it did in Roman times, refer to the class of citizens whom own no property, may not have a special skill in any specific trade or profession, those whom are simply laborers.
A Proletariat Republic is the very same political and governing system which had been established by the found founding fathers of America, a Constitutional Republic, adhering to the laws and principles set forth in America's founding document, the ''United States Constitution''. When we look at America's current political and economical crises, the down turn, the rapidly declining quality of America's health care system, etc. what do we see???..answer....the consequence of out right pure Capitalism.
So now you may be asking, what's wrong with Capitalism? Well, when within a society the values and principles of morality, family, friendship, honor, traditions, honesty etc. are instead replaced with only the greedy pursuit and drive for financial gain and profit at all cost, when even humanity and the value of human life is judged and determined not by the principle that all life, regardless of race, gender, social or financial standing or even age and condition of health, but rather is measured based on ones social or monetary value and position, then Pure Capitalism, Socialist Capitalism rules. In other words, if you are a member of the impoverished or so-called lower or working middle class (the Proletariat), or if you are an elderly, disabled or handicapped person no longer able to contribute to society, then you are perceived not as a human being having the God given and natural right to life, but instead are viewed as simply a worthless sponge or parasite, a burden upon societies financial and material recourse's. Consequently, at the whim of those in power, you can be deemed as unworthy of life and that you do not deserve to exist. This view, this perception, is a direct attribute, a consequence of, greedy, poisonous, Capitalist values and ideologies which has for far to long now been embedded into the fabric of American society, in that we are being taught to not show any respect, courtesy, compassion or charity to the weaker more vulnerable members of society, members such as the elderly, the impoverished, etc. We are taught instead to shun them away and look upon them with disdain and contempt.
In the Pure Capitalist society each member is not valued as a person or human being by the ruling class, but rather you are looked upon as a commodity or an object. Yourvalue is measured or determined based on your financial or monetary worth. The Capitalists have been very cleaver in being able to deceive and manipulate the public toturning their backs upon the weak, the elderly, the disabled and handicapped, by presenting these citizens as free loaders, those who do not contribute to the good of society, they don't pull there wait, or they are simply lazy and worthless etc. By very subtly, over a period of time, injecting this view into our subconsciousness, after a while even the most kindest, most God fearing charitable members of society gradually begin to succumb to this point of view and perception. This is without question a pure caseof subversive social engineering (Brainwashing) to the point they have been very successful indeed. They have been able to sell there poisonous views by marketing themselves as being concerned for the overall well being of society. They utilize this outer mask allowing them to conceal there true objective and agenda, keeping it hidden from the people. Make no mistake, their interest is not the well being of the people within society, with you and me, but rather to insure that every citizen provides them (the Capitalists) with profit. Plain and simple. They are not concerned whether you are moral or immoral, honest or dishonest, good or evil, etc. They are only interested in your monetary value nothing more.
-The Majority & The minority
All of the most important institutions in America, be they corporations, banks, government or the health care system, are being controlled and influenced entirely by a very small portion of citizens, (the minority) the SO-CALLED elite, the Pure Capitalists. So who are these people? They are the very wealthy, rich and super rich, who's only objective and interest is exclusively the pursuit of hording of wealth, political power and self advancement...period!. They feel no remorse, they have no reservations as to how they accumulate their wealth or by what means they achieve this objective. All this while the majority, which are the common people, the middle class workers, the ordinary average citizens in society (the Proletariat), the very group of citizens whom do all the hard work, fight in all the wars, those whom when the economy takes adown-turn are the ones who suffer and sacrifice the most, their views and concerns are pushed aside, ignored and discarded. It is this Proletariat group whom have very little or no say in the affairs and governance of the country. Now many may argue that this is not true, that in America, the majority are in fact direct participants in there countries political affairs. They are of course referring to the peoples ability to vote in support of candidates running for public office either on a local, state or federal levels etc. which, they say, consequently gives them a say as to how the country is governed. Well, this is in reality nothing of the sort. It is all an illusion, a false pretense of having a say in America's government and political affairs. People are permitted to take part in elections to give them a false sense of patriotism and security, however many in America are becoming fully aware that this is no more then a farce and deception, that regardless of what or how the people may vote, it is irrelevant and of very little or no consequence. It is becoming more and more clear that no matter what citizens do through elections and in politics, the agenda and objective has already been chosen and put into effect regardless of what the people want, think or say. The Proletariat (the majority) have been for far to long victims of the lies and deceptions of the Capitalists. They have for far to long been prayed upon by greedy Capitalists, whom in there ever increasing hunger for more wealth and power, have sucked and drained the very life and blood from the Proletariat. Now we are to the point where the common citizen, the working class can no longer afford to live. Many Americans today are loosing there jobs and homes. They are finding it more and more difficult to put food on the table or to clothe and support there families. And so, out of desperation, in order to survive, many Americans are left with no choice or alternative but to seek assistance from what ever government programs or resources are available...welfare, forced welfare.
-Capitalists & The Welfare State
We have witnessed how over the years America, once the greatest and most advanced Industrial country in the world, has been gradually transformed from being a producing society to becoming a society of consumers and consequently into the welfare state of today.
Now how could this have happened many may ask? America's ever increasing decline in industry and production, also its transformation into becoming almost entirely a welfare state has been by no means an accident, but rather it has been very much intentional. This tragic scenario was created by the Capitalists in order to achieve three objectives :
1- Capitalists have for some time been shutting down businesses and industries across America transferring them over seas to foreign countries such as China, Taiwan, Mexico, etc., for the simple reason of increased profit as a benefit of cheap labor. When doing so the Capitalists, take no interest in, or consideration for, the devastating consequences such an act will have on the involved country's economy or how it will drastically effect the lives of there fellow countrymen in America. None of this is taken in to account, there only interest is monetary gain.
2- To increase the number of unemployed in America. By doing so they are forcing the people more and more to become dependent on government welfare. Therefore Capitalists, will not have to pay the required standard of pay in America, and at the same time increasingly transform Americans, from being what Capitalists perceive as a costly work force into a purely consuming one as they purchase and consume the many cheaply produced and low quality products and goods produced in the many industries owned and operated in foreign countries using cheap foreign labor.
3- The third and final objective, is for the Capitalists to increase there power and control over the American people. This is achieved by transforming America into a welfare state, whereby forcing more and more Americans, out of desperation, to sign up on government provided assistance, welfare. They then are able to increase there control over the people by forcing upon them whatever new measures or laws they wish with very little or no opposition from the people. This is mainly because the people wont have any other option at there disposal, and thus not wanting to loose whatever assistance, both financially or in housing, given to them by the government they will submit freely to bondage. They simply bow there heads in submission and accept whatever laws or demands imposed upon them. Another major factor in the peoples unquestionable obedience in a welfare state is that in such circumstances the people become demoralized, they loose all self respect and consequently also any inner strength, ability, or even the desire to fight back. They truly become no more then subdued voiceless sheep, placing there lives and the lives of there loved ones entirely in the hands of their benefactors, their Capitalist masters.
Proletariatism, is the concept of a principled statesman driven system of government which is overseen exclusively by elected members of the common working class citizenry. It is unlike the present day political apparatus we now find in the United states wherein the main focus is placed primarily on party politics, lobbyists and big corporate money, or as in other Socialist governments where the main emphases is on economic class struggle with their false and failed attempt at fairness and redistribution of wealth. Proletariatism, is very unique in comparison with these traditional systems mentioned in that its core principle is neither party politics driven, nor economically driven like in the Capitalist/Socialist systems. Proletariatism, is a system of government which aims to foster and forward the joint activism of the working class majority allowing them the ability to become more involved maters of state as they become individual candidates running for public office at local, state and national levels. Proletaritaism, is in fact not a political movement, doctrine, ideology or party. It is a proactive political principle, element and ideological tool which can be easily adapted and implemented into a pre-existing system of any free state, be it a Democracy or a Republic. When a Democracy or a Republic utilizes Proletariatism, all pre-existing Constitutional laws and principles remain in place, intact and unchanged. There are only two main modifications made to present systems with the adapting of Proletariatism, one is who will be allowed to run as a candidate and hold office, the other deals with funding. In the first case, dealing with who are allowed to run as a candidate and hold office, a change is made as to which group, class or citizen body are permitted to hold or run for public office as active elected participants in there countries politics and government . When Proletariatism, is adapted only those citizens who are of the Proletariat, the common working class citizenry, which includes but is not limited to farmers, factory workers, welders, builders, plumbers, electricians, small business owners, professors, school teachers and so on, are allowed to hold any political office. Only members from this group of citizens are permitted to run for public office to thus become active members of there countries politics. Whereby citizens who belong to the wealthy, elitist groups, or upper class, the minority Capitalists, consisting of Industrialists, Bankers, large manufacturers, Corporations, etc. are prohibited from ever running for or holding public office at any level. They are also prohibited from taking any part what-so-ever in the affairs of there government either directly, by running for public office, or indirectly, making any form of financial contribution to a political campaign or any other government department, agency or body, be it at any level of government, local, state or national.
Under Proletariatism, while the wealthy are in every way prohibited from taking any level of participation in there countries government and politics, their wealth, positions, rights as a citizen, their freedoms and liberties are not molested, nor are they forced to pay higher tax rate then the rest of the populous. They may pursue their drive to increase their holdings privately only. They are simply prohibited from taking any active roll in there country's government and politics. These measures are put in place to protect and safeguard the freedoms, liberties and the overall well being of the majority the Proletariat, the common average citizen, against the greed and Progressive advancement of the Capitalists through corruption of government. The second element of Proletariatism deals with funding of campaigns. Under this system, all political campaigns and candidates running for public office at all levels are prohibited from utilizing any form of second or third party financial donations or contributions for their campaign. Furthermore, candidates are also prohibited from using any of there own personal finances or monetary assists for campaigning as well. This is a measure put in place to prevent corruption, by preventing criminal elements, foreign intrigues or Capitalists, from being able to influence the success of any campaign whereby placing an elected official under obligation indebted to them, consequently enabling the influence of legislation. Under Proletariatism, funding for all political campaigns is provided by the state in equal amounts. Whereby all candidates are given equal sums of capital for this purpose, regardless of a candidates social or financial standing or statues. This is done so that the success of a candidates run for office is no longer dependent on a candidates financial limitations, but rather the candidates desire to serve, his/her character, merits and abilities. It is also a means of making it possible for the average American man or women from the common working class Proletariat majority, to be able to run for public office. This eliminates the ability of the wealthy Capitalists and other elitist groups from domineering, monopolizing and unjustly commandeering Democracies and Republics for their own greedy purposes such as we are now experiencing in America and around the world.
"Changing your Congressman is like changing the bedroom furniture in a whore house."
"Petitioning the government is like asking your rapist to wear a condom."
"It is our duty to resist tyranny by refusing to comply with unjust laws."
"It is much easier to live a lie than it is to seek the truth."

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