Seniors for Future Generations

I woke up this morning to hear two policeman were shot in Ferguson last night. Look what grandstanding by Holder brought to these innocents who serve and protect Americans. It is so disgusting that a Holder, this administration can reduce the rule of law in such a way that those who serve and protect us literally get shot in the face. This administration disrespects the law in favor of protecting their elite, while ignoring the need of basic law for the rest of America. They do what they want, say anything for political theater, and have no clue what the word "responsibility" or "leadership" means. Every law enforcement person in this country including those in the secret service, should turn their back on these turncoats who are literally killing this country with their rhetoric, and their moronic smallness that is intended to intimidate Americans, not help them. It has reduced the rule of law to political gamesmanship and is not what an administration who really cares about America's future should be doing.

Black people are more than 10 times as likely as white people to be in prison in many states. #Ferguson is everywhere. SHARE this now for all the people who say police violence has nothing to do with racism. Confront their ignorance.

Time to throw them under the bus just like they they have thrown America under the bus with their discriminating enforcement of the law. Everyone should sue this government every time they flaunt and ignore the fairness of the law. Start with the Holders, the Hillary's, the state department, the DOJ and impeach the President for his failure to lead if he does not change the temperament of an administration out of control. Everything wrong in this country starts at the top, not at the bottom like a Holder implies with his mindless investigations and his political theater.

More Below on this :

In re: National Security Letter, Under Seal v. Holder (Sealed)

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