CNN Catering To Islamic Agenda With Two New Shows

Reza Aslan

ALERT: CNN Launches New Show to PROMOTE Muslim Propaganda

W. Kamau Bell

With CNN hoping to raise their ratings, they recently announced the addition of two shows that will likely be as controversial as they are short-lived.

The new shows, hosted by W. Kamau Bell and Reza Aslan, will appeal directly to their hardcore liberal audience, as both shows touch on issues of religion and race.

Aslan’s show has a working title of “Believer.” The CNN press release stated, “Aslan will immerse himself into one of the world’s most fascinating faith-based groups to experience life as a true believer.”

Translation: He will spend most of his time defending Islam. He already has a past filled with bashing Christianity and claiming the Bible is inaccurate, even though he’s not a historian or biblical scholar by any stretch of the imagination.

He also once labeled Bill Maher’s criticism of Islam as “frank bigotry” and called Sam Harris’ criticism of Islam “paranoid, unsophisticated and uniformed.” (H/T Breitbart)

Bell is also no stranger to controversy either, especially when dealing with topics of race in the United States.

His new show, to be called “United Shades of America,” will have Bell “explore the far corners of our country and its various groups and subcultures.”

Translation: It will showcase anything Bell remotely considers racism and probably repeat the phrase “white privilege” as often as possible.

At one point, Bell remarked that whites don’t have the right to label what’s racist and what’s not, because, in fact, only white people are racist.

On his previous attempt at a show, which was nothing short of a disaster, Bell even accused everyone who identifies with the tea party as being racist.

He’s also a major supporter of President Barack Obama.

Better set your DVR if you want to catch these shows, folks. We don’t expect them to be around long.


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