Still The Liar :Hillary

Nobody Even Read Hillary's Deleted Emails

Hillary Clinton deleted her "personal" emails wholesale -- without so much as reading them first. Fox News' Chris Stirewalt writes, "How did Hillary Clinton know that the tens of thousands of emails from her time in office she ordered destroyed were personal? Did she or even her staff scroll through her sent items scanning emails about 'yoga routines' or 'family vacations' before deleting them? Nope. No one looked at them. The Clinton campaign said those emails that did not crop up in a keyword search performed by her team were automatically deleted. No eyes. No one to be subpoenaed. Just highlight all and press delete. That method seems better for missing emails than to finding them. And it would sound reckless and haphazard coming from another politician. In this case, though, it sounds like a woman covering her tracks in preparation for a long and bloody legal fight over subpoenas to come." The story isn't going to go away just because Clinton hit the delete key. More...

Did Hillary Commit a Felony?

Hillary Clinton's email scandal continues to yield serious questions. According to The Washington Examiner, "Clinton, like all departing federal employees, was required to fill out and sign a separation statement [Form OF-109] affirming that she had turned over all classified and other government documents, including all emails dealing with official business." Did Clinton sign the form? The State Department refuses to say just yet. If not, why not? And if so, did she commit a felony? "There's no question" she did, says Shannen Coffin, former counsel to Dick Cheney. "There's no doubt ... that wherever the secretary had those records -- if she had them in her Chappaqua home, if she had them in her office, if she had them somewhere else -- she's got to bring all of the records to the table, and turn over any official records at the time of her departure," Coffin said. "Not -- most definitely not -- two years later." He added, "The form itself says, 'Hey, before you sign this, understand that you are certifying something that we can prosecute you for. Making a false statement in this context, knowingly and willfully' -- which, I can't imagine anything more knowing and willful than knowing you have 55,000 records sitting in your home -- 'if you do that, it is a felony.'" Clinton's flippant dismissal of questions at her Tuesday press conference left many things unanswered. And she's looking worse all the time.

                                        Whitewater Scandal


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