So, a man that thinks freedom should be restricted because there’s too much of it has just been named to America’s premiere secret policing agency, one that is supposed to interact with the rest of the world? How can anyone think this is a good idea?
Last week, news broke that Brennan’s 1980 graduate thesis at the University of Texas contained the premise that there is “too much freedom possible” in the United States and elsewhere and government should be used to restrict things he deems unacceptable, such as freedom of the press.
Brennan’s thesis, titled “Human Rights: A Case Study of Egypt,” was written to satisfy his Master of Arts degree in government with a focus on Middle Eastern studies.
In the thesis Brennan posited that rights are not inalienable and could be restricted by government whenever government deems it necessary.
Brennan was at least cognizant enough of his radical premise to note in his recommendation for tyranny that his ideas “can provide a convenient excuse for any authoritarian leader in any country of the world.”
This is the authoritarian-loving man that Obama wants to give the powers of the CIA?
It should be noted that this man was not an impressionable kid when he wrote this. He was 25-years-old, long past the formative stages!
We might recall John Brennan from 2009 (courtesy of David Limbaugh):
Obama also intends to appoint John Brennan as his new CIA director. Brennan told us in 2009 that Obama doesn’t describe our fight against jihadis as a “war on terrorism.” He said that we need not only to defeat al-Qaida and its allies but to address ignorance, poverty and repression and that we should reach out to “moderate” elements of the Hezbollah terror group. He calls Jerusalem “Al-Quds,” its Arabic name.It’s all just another tyrannical Obama move.
By Warner Todd Huston
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