Recently I was asked why has Obama succeeded as far as he has. People are upset, and duly so, for what has happened in four years is enough for many Americans. We are at our wits' end as we observe a meltdown of all that we held sacred. So I began research on how the dark arts played such a role in this administration.
For at least forty years there has a movement in black churches called "Black Liberation Movement." Most white people do not know much about this. We went on about our lives thinking that the laws were equal for black and white. All the while, Rev. Jeremiah Wright began a church in 1972 that was not getting many black Christians. Many were turning to Islam--both mainline and Black Muslims--or to no faith. He had to do something, so he began what he called his Trinity United Church of Christ. He told his congregants that God was not pleased with American economics: it was maldistribution. He spoke of massive wealth redistribution; he used code language right from Karl Marx. Here is his formula: White-Oppressor vs. Black-Victim.
So as Obama wanted to become involved in politics he was told by black leaders, "son, you do not understand black churches or politics." Obama stated, "I want to bring all black churches together." He was laughed at and told if you want to understand black politics and churches, go to Rev. Wright. What he learned was that black churches are as varied as opinions. The Baptists do not speak to the Episcopalians and the Episcopalians do not like those for speaking in tongues. Rev. Wright went on to tell Obama that you cannot get these people to agree on anything except one thing: that they are victimized by whites. Obama listened intently and began attending Wright's sermons. He seemed to care about how to reach the people. He listened to Wright say horrible things-- "God damn White America!" It was then he understood that one way to bring them together was to create a divide between white and black. This is what he did. This is what he does so well. He continued stirring up people with emotional pleas, using Rev. Wright's sermons and Marxist ideals and rhetoric, blaming those that are rich, including those blacks that sat in Wright's church feeling black guilt for being rich. They too believed and poured money into the church. By 2008 Wright's church was a success.
Obama used the black leaders and gathered the churches with the same message: redistribution of wealth. That set just fine with many. He used the victimization line on those without money. He used it on those with money. He had a base. From there money was funded in from wealthy blacks, wealthy liberal whites, and those on limited incomes, and welfare. The Marxist message was now in full force. While we did not understand this underbelly in Chicago, it swept across the nation, gathering people from all walks of life. He was the "Black Jesus," a phrase coined by David Axelrod. They used every trick in the political darkness that could be found. Any knowledge of Obama's past was suppressed. David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jerrett and Rahm Emmanuel whipped ass up and down the front rooms and backrooms. They intimidated those who disagreed, they hammered and stifled those that did know Obama's past, such as his brother George, his step-grandmother, sister, and aunt to remain silent. It worked.
They used money to buy acceptance and silence, like they did with Rev. Wright. One of Obama's henchmen offered Wright $150,000 not to preach, as he was becoming a problem in the spring of 2008. For all of his evil hatred of whites, I have to say Rev. Wright was honest--he refused the money. He met with Obama one last time. Obama asked if he would stop preaching and the good Rev. said "No." Obama stated, "You know what is wrong with you?" The Rev. said, "No, tell me what is wrong with me?" Obama smugly answered him, "You're too truthful." Wright responded, "That is a good thing for a pastor." Obama left him along with hundreds in his black base--he no longer needed him.
How did Obama get this far? Racism, calling Congressmen, those from Palookaville, meaning podunks or poor white trash--those Congressmen who have tried to uphold our rights, those who obey their constituents. The dark one is truly a master at the dark arts; he spins his potions carefully, skillfully, calling on all that is unholy, transforming our government and nation, his goal to cause derision.
He morphs into different masks; one for the Muslim Brotherhood, one for the poor, one for his rich and mighty union bosses, one for his Wall Street buddies. Just when you thought you had seen all the evil he can do, he morphs again. He twirls his opponents, casting them as demons when he is Mephistopheles. We watch as his minions do his bidding.
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