If actions speak louder than words, then Barack Obama said 'Let Them Die in Benghazi"

My Re-Election Is Too Important... Stay Where You Are... LET THEM DIE."
If actions speak louder than words, then that's what Barack Obama said. 'Let Them Die.'

Submitted by : Bonnie  Williams

And we're not just talking about the four Americans who were brutally killed in Benghazi, Libya.

We're talking about the 20-30 other Americans who would have died if American heroes Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty had not DISOBEYED Team Obama's direct orders to stand down.

No matter how you slice it, Americans were left to die because saving their lives, to the thinking of some, might have threatened the re-election prospects of Barack Hussein Obama.

And Barack Hussein Obama must be forced to answer the question: "Why were our troops told to stand down?" He must be forced to answer the question: "Why are you playing politics with the lives of Americans?"

The American people will go to the polls in a matter of days and we need answers NOW... and only you can make that happen.

Help Was Always Less Than Two Hours Away.
If you've been watching Fox News, you already know that the Obama White House had real-time video access to the events of that fateful night.

You know that Team Obama watched the consulate attack begin at around 9:40 PM (local time). You know they watched events unfold for 7 hours at the consulate and that they had full knowledge of a second wave that hit the CIA Annex just a mile down the road that lasted well into dawn the next day.

You know that they didn't see a spontaneous protest over an obscure YouTube video. They saw a terrorist attack and they failed to act.

Sadly, help was always less than two hours away, but Team Obama was apparently too busy trying to concoct a cock-and-bull cover story that was designed to preserve a campaign narrative instead of doing what needed to be done to protect American lives.

That's why the American people deserve to know all the sordid and dirty details BEFORE the election.

Jennifer Griffin with Fox News reported: "The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators. A second force that specializes in counterterrorism rescues was on hand at Sigonella, according to senior military and intelligence sources. According to those sources, they could have flown to Benghazi in less than two hours."

Charles Woods, the father of slain ex-Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods said "it’s coming out right now that they actually had laser focused on the mortars that were being sent to kill my son. And they refused to pull the trigger. They refused to send in those C130s. To me... those people who made the decision and who knew about the decision and lied about it, are murderers of my son."

But Woods' pleas for help weren't simply denied once... they were denied multiple times. Fox News again: "Officials denied military requests to provide assistance three separate times during the seven-hour attack on the consulate."

And this is important...

We have that information because whistleblowers are coming forward with unclassified information and releasing it to Congressmen Darrell Issa and Jason Chaffetz and a handful of others on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and make no mistake, this information is only coming to light because Issa and Chaffetz are making a stink and whistleblowers feel secure in releasing information.

But we have to ask, why are a handful of Republicans the only ones making a stink? It's not enough! It's far from enough and lack of moral outrage in Congress is shameful.

Barack Hussein Obama isn't the only one who is AWOL, and if the American people are going to get the answers they need BEFORE THE ELECTION, some of our self-proclaimed Republican leaders need to step up to the plate NOW... and only you can make that happen



Looks like the call is for more Republicans other than Graham, Issa, McCain, and Chaffetz to call for answers from Obama who is stonewalling the issue compliments of ABC NBC and CBS.

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