How Will Romney Deal With Obama the Serial Liar in the Debates?

Mitt Romney has already said that the biggest challenge in the upcoming debates will be President Obama’s aversion to telling the truth. Obama can’t stop lying, it’s pathological. Earlier on Sulia I wrote that Obama only lies on days that end with Y. Seeing that all of the debates will take place on days that end with Y we can pretty much count on Obama serving up a load of whoppers.
In his latest WSJ piece, Karl Rove highlighted some of Obama’s most egregious lies, and ponders the best way for Romney to deal with them during the debates.
During these widely watched events, Mr. Romney must call out the president. That is not so easy: Mr. Romney can’t call Mr. Obama a liar; that’s too harsh a word that would backfire. Mr. Romney must instead set the record straight in a presidential tone—firm, respectful, but not deferential. And a dash of humor is worth its weight in gold.
While Mr. Romney must point out the president’s misrepresentations, he can’t take on the role of fact-checker-in-chief. He should deal comprehensively with several of Mr. Obama’s untruths and, having done so, dismiss the rest as more of the same.
By carefully calling into question the president’s veracity, Mr. Romney will have the opportunity to provide context: Mr. Obama doesn’t shoot straight because he can’t defend his record and has no agenda for the future except the status quo, stay the course. (Read More)
No doubt it will be tough, but Romney showed that he’s a skilled debater during the primaries, so he should do fine.
Speaking of lies, did you hear about how Politico’s Roger Simon wrote a really bad satire piece about the Romney campaign, and the left wing media immediately ran with it as if it were fact? I think “The Stench” is now attached to them, as it will be to Obama when his lies are exposed before millions of Americans.

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