When America still considered itself a Christian nation, Americans knew better than to trust in the ambitions of their fellow men. They understood something about the temptations of their own pride.
Who Is Proud?
Consider this story told by Jesus.Luke 18:9-14 New Century Version (NCV)What is our natural inclination? Don’t we want to believe that neither the pride of that Pharisee nor the admitted sinfulness of that tax collector describes us? When we think of ourselves, don’t we want to think of ourselves as “good”? Then we are wrong. The Bible says we are sinners. Because we are proud, like that Pharisee we do not want to admit our sinfulness — that we too are subject to temptation — but when America still considered itself a Christian nation, Americans knew the Bible is right. Therefore, when America still considered itself a Christian nation, Americans limited the powers — and the temptations – of their public officials.
Being Right with God
9 Jesus told this story to some people who thought they were very good and looked down on everyone else: 10 “A Pharisee and a tax collector both went to the Temple to pray.11 The Pharisee stood alone and prayed, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people who steal, cheat, or take part in adultery, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week, and I give one-tenth of everything I get!’
13 “The tax collector, standing at a distance, would not even look up to heaven. But he beat on his chest because he was so sad. He said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ 14 I tell you, when this man went home, he was right with God, but the Pharisee was not. All who make themselves great will be made humble, but all who make themselves humble will be made great.”
Why is such a thing necessary? Death is the great unknown. We can look out into space. We can see something is there, but of what lies beyond death we know only in faith. We have only the promise of our Creator, our Savior, that He will save us. Because our own failing hands are inadequate, without faith in God, we must seek salvation from another.
Imagine being that Pharisee. As the years unfolded, what would have happened to you? In time your body would have become weak, and you would have become increasingly dependent upon others. Would you have become humbled by the experience? Would you have begged God for His grace. Would you have persisted in the belief that you could save yourself with your works, or would you have sought a god of your own design? If you still believed man can perfect himself, what do you think you would do?
What Is The Consequence Of Putting Our Trust In Men?
Imagine you are
Look at
When our nation began drifting from Christianity, we forgot the age-old methods Satan uses to persuade us to evil. Referencing Genesis, Dr. Ron Jones explains how Satan tempts us today just as he once tempted Adam and Eve.
- The Serpent of Old, Part 1 and The Serpent of Old, Part 2 describe the temptation of Adam and .
- The Image Defaced, Part 1 and The Image Defaced, Part 2 explains the consequences and God’s plan for our temptation.
What happens when we give our leaders too much power?
- Our leaders do not allow the Constitution to restrict their powers. Increasingly, President Obama blatantly chooses to ignore the Constitution. If Congress won’t give him what he wants, he just issues an executive order. See here and here for a couple of lists.
- We borrow forty percent of every dollar the Federal Government spends. We spend the majority of Federal funds on social welfare programs. In fact, defense spending accounts for less than a quarter of Federal spending. Check out
Why Do People Refuse To Accept The Obvious?
Unfortunately, many people do not consider these observations relevant. Because we elect them, they expect our leaders will do what we want them to do. Even when the facts are so plainly obvious, they refuse to accept the fact that our leaders have their own ideas and their own plans. Many forget the rarity of democratic government. Yet if it was easy for the People to control their leaders, then democracy would be the norm.When the Founding Fathers debated The United States Constitution, proponents wrote The Federalist Papers in its defense. Much of that document speaks to the problem that a People must solve to control their leaders. Here is an example.
But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. — James Madison from The Federalist No. 51Look again at that Pharisee. Consider his vanity. Is it unusual for a man to be too proud? Then imagine controlling hundreds of billions of dollars in Federal spending. Compare our president with billionaires. What Obama spends makes the wealth of even the richest look tiny.
Combined Federal, state, and local spending exceeds $six trillion per year. In addition, government regulations are costly. That’s why lobbyists fawn over politicians, and that’s why when we try to control our leaders they can propagandize us and buy many of us off with other people’s money.
In a three-part series starting with WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO CHALLENGE THE ESTABLISHMENT — PART 1, I define The Establishment. If the folks in The Establishment want the majority of Americans to have good healthcare, all they have to do is let us spend our own money. Unfortunately, too many in The Establishment want to feed their pride, and that’s why they want to spend our money for us.
Citizen Tom
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