Darius Radmanesh



With everything transpiring in our society today with the ever increasing rise of radical Islam and its influence across our country, crime and corruption in nearly every sector and corner of our government etc. A tragedy which has increased by a thousand fold ever since 2008, I find my self reflecting back to the timeless words of perhaps the ancient worlds greatest philosopher, patriot and politician ( Marcus Tullio Cicero ) who in his narrative stated that ( A nation can survive its fools but not treason from within )...

Up to now I was a strong believer in his analogy and believed it to ring true....

However the more I ponder upon his words and the prevailing issue at hand...The more I have come to realise that his statement was in affect a oxymoron or contradiction and incorrect.....

He in affect presents the traitor as the main culprit and not the fools who are responsible for the destruction of a society as if the two are in fact two separate entities??....

However..What he has effectively failed to acknowledge is this...First the scenario of which he speaks is valid only when making reference to a non Democratic state...

Meaning that the element of free elections is not present or available and that the masses have no say in how their government operates or what policies are enforced etc.....However...

When dealing with a society whereby it is in affect the people who determine the policy and actions of their state....Now we are looking at a totally different situation....

Ultimately it is not the intriguer or the criminal in question who is the true traitor...

But rather it is the fools who support and place the traitor in question in the position of power in the first place which then gives him or her the ability to bring about the demise of the society in question!....

We saw this very same scenario not only in 2008 when the overwhelming majority of Americans from both sides of the political spectrum meaning both Democrats and even Republicans ( Conservatives/Independents ) cast their vote and support behind Obama...

But we also saw this exact same scenario transpire back in 1933 when the overwhelming majority of the German people cast their support behind the monster Adolf Hitler and his band of Nazi criminals!....

In both such case the people of Germany and America, contrary to every moral and ethical principle and value which they have lived by and believed in their entire lives....

Cast their support behind two individuals who very openly and clearly wore their identities, meaning who they weir and what they represented on their sleeves!....

And yet??!...

This is the true tragedy....So when Cicero makes reference to the fact that a society may survive its fools but not treason from within....truth of the matter is that the true traitors and culprits for the demise and destruction of any free society...Is in affect....THE FOOLS!.

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