Realizing first & foremost I am part of a GENERATION that’s no longer relevant or pertinent, I find myself constantly asking this question: Was there a CONSPIRACY in the 50’s or 60’s to make the People in the World ,’STUPID”…..crap its worked…..It was perfect…..People in this COUNTRY & the WORLD have become so STUPID, they don’t even know they’re STUPID….Unbelievable….. Don’t you find it at interesting that a Country that can “Put A Man On The Moon” can’t solve the minutia of their own little and somewhat PETTY PROBLEMS?…..

Have we progressed or evolved  to the POINT where we ALL must WEAR Government computer-chipped Diapers & have someone from the “Hazardous Waste Dept.” come change them for us….Can it be that we can no longer breathe without the AIDE of the government ? I guess “Spoon Feeding” is next….Crap we are being SPOON FED …lie after lie (propaganda) already….This GOVERNMENT has done nearly everything in its power  to become EVERYTHING YOU NEED…..or DON’T NEED as the case may be…..

From my Cynical Sarcastic Perch I ask the QUESTION, WHAT is this that we have WROUGHT?  The FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER or DRACULA continues to LIVE because we KEPT IT ALIVE….we should have let it die…. BUT we bought the LIE….HOOK, LINE & SINKER…

If you buy the lie, then this is what I see coming down the PIKE……

< Government Brain implants to tell us what to think, when to think & even IF we should think…
< What to eat, when to eat & where to and WHERE to deposit your waste…..
< Government Housing…. (We are well on our way to this one) to control the Environment…..
<Government run MEDIA…..We have that one nailed….
<Government run …POPULATION CONTROL….that’s what WAR was always about….now we will have voluntary…or NOT…..END OF LIFE TERMINATION …..
< Government Religion…..THEY ARE NOW GOD…except MUSLIMS….
This Country of World has basically “Evolved” into one Giant “PRISON CAMP” …..you are now free to do what….not one thing….unless it meets their criteria….. And no I didn’t have a PERMIT to SAY this…

BUT YOU TELL ME…… WHAT PLANET ARE WE ON? This is not the one I grew up on & it’s not one damn bit better…..

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