"The Gruber Onslaught"

He is an elitist supreme. Out of his mouth comes endless diarrhea
This Jonathan Gruber is utterly obnoxious. In that respect he has no peer
Listen to him brag about how proud he was of his deceitfulness
In no way at all does this miserable bastard have any moral compass

He scorns and mocks the people of this country with his gloating
This is a man so consumed with himself. I detest his bloviating
A new video comes out each day showcasing the arrogance of this man
This architect of this law is loathsome. The s**t is truly hitting the fan

The Demcrats distance themselves from the man whose work they once hailed
If there was a crime for deception everyone of them I'd like to see jailed
Scandals and abuses increase so damn much it can make your head spin
We have suffered so many indignities no one knows where to begin

If it was not for FOX NEWS our nation would never know of this Gruber
What has been perpetrated  by him and this administration is holy terror
The word, transparency, is treated as if it's a four letter word
Our government relishes all of the misery and angst that has occurred

I say to you, Mr. Gruber, to SHUT THE F**K UP!! We are sick of you
You will get your comeuppance. Scum like you will get what is due
Your narcissism, hubris and condescension is so clearly evident
and is only suprseded by that disgusting POS that is our President!

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