QUESTION: Just what the……is, “The Rule Of Law?” By that I
mean what is the PRACTICAL application…..If you just got off a Spaceship from
another Galaxy and you’re looking at the Chaos in Washington DC & on
another screen the Total Chaos & Anarchy in cities like Ferguson, New York,
L.A., Dallas & other cities….What would you Observe & then
discern…..And mind you this is all about a PUNK Gang-Banger type kid who just
happens to be BLACK…. PARDON, IN this
world, "You Reap What You Sow”, its” GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT”.......”you
live by the sword, you die by the sword”
or “you’re either part of the problem or you’re part of the
solution”……Take your pick….You can call me a “Cold Blooded Ass”….fine ..”if the
shoe fits, wear it” And just like OBAMA, HOLDER, JACKSON & SHARPTON
…Excrement is in the air….The APPLE of YOUR EYE was a CLASSLESS PUNK……Beauty
& Love come from the HEART….There is none of that here….All I see is
HATE…..And remember is not something you are BORN with & in this case it
came from their EVIL HEARTS & SOULS….
Let’s be honest here do you really think that all this Chaos
, rioting & burning is about OUTRAGE, JUSTICE, FAIRNESS and RACE…..It has
little or nothing to do it…..Have you heard of Saul
Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals? BARRY & all the LIBER COMMUNISTS love this
TURD… is * RULE 12: Pick the target,
freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and
isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people
hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct,
personalized criticism and ridicule works.) DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? If you don’t
see it it’s only because you don’t want to…..
One needs to remember, those who
make the LAWS never play by them….They play to win….at all cost….They have a
VISION of a WORLD where they Control everything you do…..But this ever-present
EVIL do anything it takes to win…
What is it going to take for the
Majority of Americans (whatever or whoever that is) to admit WE HAVE LOST THIS
COUNTRY, at least for the MOMENT…..And the COUNTDOWN has begun
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-0……What are we waiting for the MUSLIM to call for MARTIAL
LAW? Everything you SEE or HEAR that pertains to” Ferguson”…..White verses
Blacks is BULL, it’s STAGED and it’s basically nothing more than a JIHAD….. IT’S
CALLED WINNING AT ANY COST, it’s the Scorched Earth Policy…… They WILL &
the name of their own GREED, POWER & LUST to CONTROL EVERYTHING….The People
be damned ….who cares????
We have an iridous disease
called STUPIDITY , complicated by years , no make that decades of BRAIN WASHING
an Aging population & another disease called COWARDICE ……We now have a
DYING Nation & it would seem like we are content to die with it & its
memory… If our GOD judges us by our Character
& our Strength or Resolve….we are in trouble…
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