Chopping Democrats and Let The Chips Fall Where They May

The Democrats are boasting of their success in controlling America for decades to come

The takeover will get worse if the Democrats retain control of the Senate come November.

The Democrats have plotted, planned and taken steps to control the federal judiciary. They have done this by using their majority control of the Senate to change the “rules of the game” and abolish the filibuster for judicial nominations to the federal courts (the Supreme Court was spared, for the time being, but see below). This has accelerated the placement of left-wing judges with lifetime tenure in positions of power that will allow them to shape our county -- its policies, its culture -- for decades after President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have left office.

The New York Times stated it bluntly in their Sunday edition’s headline, “Building Legacy, Obama Reshapes Appellate Bench” and elaborated in the column:

Democrats have reversed the partisan imbalance on the federal appeals courts that long favored conservatives, a little-noticed shift with far-reaching consequences for the law and President Obama’s legacy.

For the first time in more than a decade, judges appointed by Democratic presidents considerably outnumber judges appointed by Republican presidents. The Democrats’ advantage has only grown since late last year when they stripped Republicans of their ability to filibuster the president’s nominees.

Democratic appointees who hear cases full time now hold a majority of seats on nine of the 13 United States Courts of Appeals. When Mr. Obama took office, only one of those courts had more full-time judges nominated by a Democrat.

The shift, one of the most significant but unheralded accomplishments of the Obama era, is likely to have ramifications for how the courts decide the legality of some of the president’s most controversial actions on health care, immigration and clean air. Since today’s Congress has been a graveyard for legislative accomplishment, these judicial confirmations are likely to be among its most enduring acts. (Snip)

With so many of the administration’s policies facing legal challenges, the increased likelihood that those cases could end up before more ideologically sympathetic judges is a reassuring development to the White House. Nowhere has this dynamic been more evident than at the District of Columbia court, which is considered the second most important appeals court in the nation, after the Supreme Court.

The full appeals court agreed this month to hear Halbig v. Burwell, a case that could unravel the system of federal insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act. Before Democrats curtailed Republicans’ right to use filibusters, which they accomplished by rewriting Senate rules through a maneuver known as “the nuclear option,” the District of Columbia court was dominated by judges who were appointed by Republican presidents. Today it has four Republican appointees and seven Democratic appointees, four of whom Mr. Obama picked.

Various Democrat Senators are quoted, boasting of their success in their partisan makeover of the federal court system/
I warned about this lasting damage in my earlier column, Obama and the Democratic Plot to Control America.

With the federal government increasingly inserting itself into so many aspects of our daily lives, the role of the federal courts has grown apace. As Obama and Reid work to empower left-wing ideologues to the bench, their legacies will outlast not just their political careers but their actuarial timetables as well.

The filibuster was one method meant to defend against any partisan corruption of the third-branch of government. When Republicans controlled the Senate, Reid and Obama both objected to any prospect of the filibuster being ended -- they characterized the filibuster as tantamount to a bulwark for democracy. It was really a weapon for Democrats and became a nuclear weapon when Reid hypocritically triggered the so-called nuclear option and dispensed with what both he and Obama had all but declared to be a sacred element of democracy in America.

Their legacy will live on, doing damage year after year.

Is there any way to stanch any further damage? A GOP takeover of the Senate is absolutely crucial to stop any more left-wing judges being given even more control. Furthermore, if Reid stays in power he will likely also end the filibuster for Supreme Court judges. Since many of them are elderly, spots are bound to open up in the next few years -- indeed, liberals have been pushing for even liberal Supreme Court justices to retire so younger ones with longer lifespans will take their seats.

The future course of America will pivot on what happen on November, 2014.

The takeover will get worse if the Democrats retain control of the Senate come November.

The Democrats have plotted, planned and taken steps to control the federal judiciary. They have done this by using their majority control of the Senate to change the “rules of the game” and abolish the filibuster for judicial nominations to the federal courts (the Supreme Court was spared, for the time being, but see below). This has accelerated the placement of left-wing judges with lifetime tenure in positions of power that will allow them to shape our county -- its policies, its culture -- for decades after President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have left office.

The New York Times stated it bluntly in their Sunday edition’s headline, “Building Legacy, Obama Reshapes Appellate Bench” and elaborated in the column:

Democrats have reversed the partisan imbalance on the federal appeals courts that long favored conservatives, a little-noticed shift with far-reaching consequences for the law and President Obama’s legacy.

For the first time in more than a decade, judges appointed by Democratic presidents considerably outnumber judges appointed by Republican presidents. The Democrats’ advantage has only grown since late last year when they stripped Republicans of their ability to filibuster the president’s nominees.

Democratic appointees who hear cases full time now hold a majority of seats on nine of the 13 United States Courts of Appeals. When Mr. Obama took office, only one of those courts had more full-time judges nominated by a Democrat.

The shift, one of the most significant but unheralded accomplishments of the Obama era, is likely to have ramifications for how the courts decide the legality of some of the president’s most controversial actions on health care, immigration and clean air. Since today’s Congress has been a graveyard for legislative accomplishment, these judicial confirmations are likely to be among its most enduring acts. (Snip)

With so many of the administration’s policies facing legal challenges, the increased likelihood that those cases could end up before more ideologically sympathetic judges is a reassuring development to the White House. Nowhere has this dynamic been more evident than at the District of Columbia court, which is considered the second most important appeals court in the nation, after the Supreme Court.

The full appeals court agreed this month to hear Halbig v. Burwell, a case that could unravel the system of federal insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act. Before Democrats curtailed Republicans’ right to use filibusters, which they accomplished by rewriting Senate rules through a maneuver known as “the nuclear option,” the District of Columbia court was dominated by judges who were appointed by Republican presidents. Today it has four Republican appointees and seven Democratic appointees, four of whom Mr. Obama picked.

Various Democrat Senators are quoted, boasting of their success in their partisan makeover of the federal court system/
I warned about this lasting damage in my earlier column, Obama and the Democratic Plot to Control America.

With the federal government increasingly inserting itself into so many aspects of our daily lives, the role of the federal courts has grown apace. As Obama and Reid work to empower left-wing ideologues to the bench, their legacies will outlast not just their political careers but their actuarial timetables as well.

The filibuster was one method meant to defend against any partisan corruption of the third-branch of government. When Republicans controlled the Senate, Reid and Obama both objected to any prospect of the filibuster being ended -- they characterized the filibuster as tantamount to a bulwark for democracy. It was really a weapon for Democrats and became a nuclear weapon when Reid hypocritically triggered the so-called nuclear option and dispensed with what both he and Obama had all but declared to be a sacred element of democracy in America.

Their legacy will live on, doing damage year after year.

Is there any way to stanch any further damage? A GOP takeover of the Senate is absolutely crucial to stop any more left-wing judges being given even more control. Furthermore, if Reid stays in power he will likely also end the filibuster for Supreme Court judges. Since many of them are elderly, spots are bound to open up in the next few years -- indeed, liberals have been pushing for even liberal Supreme Court justices to retire so younger ones with longer lifespans will take their seats.

The future course of America will pivot on what happen on November, 2014.

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