The Industrialized World Is Abandoning The U.S.

Vice President Joe Biden announced two days ago that the American people agree with the Democrat party “on every major issue.” Whether or not this is true remains to be seen, but this we can know with certainty: on issues of economics, enterprise, and environmental policy, the other industrialized nations of the world have been moving in the exact opposite direction of President Barack Obama and the U.S. federal government for at least the past two years.

As the President pushes for a $1 billion “climate resilience fund” to save America from global warming – and as he presides over more than $17 trillion in government debt with no plan to either boost economic output nor cut government spending – free people on at least three different continents have elected governments that are behaving more like Reagan and Bush than either Obama or Biden. One of the most obvious examples of this is just a bit further northward, but right here in North America.

Consider Stephen Harper, the Prime Minster of Canada. First elected in 2006 on a campaign pledge to, among other things, foster close ties to President George W Bush and America’s efforts to fight terrorism, Harper has over the past eight years championed free trade, federal government spending reductions, and a significant boost in oil production. Today the Canadian government is on track to be debt-free in 2015, as Harper tirelessly lobbies the U.S. to become more cooperative with oil pipeline projects and energy exploration.

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